The Clancys Generation 2.6

Feb 25, 2010 10:13

Warnings: Sexy times, swearing, emoticon abuse.

Last time on the Clancys:
Maya got the Science Plaque
Roxy got old
Midna tried to flirt with Tom Broke and failed
Manny tried to flirt with Missie Than, failed, but still got a good-bye kiss
Leader of the Pack showed up but always left whenever Midna had a tantrum
Tyler died :(
Trucy died ;_;

So as the tradition of my games, when there's a death, there's a birthday.

I can't help but laugh over the fact that the kids are celebrating their mother's birthday when the only time she celebrated theirs was when they were babies. I think this generation is leaving a bad effect on me. O_o

Maya makes an awesome and pretty Witch Grandma. Y/Y?

And when Heph gets home from work, he does the Oldie Spin

Yup looks like Heph is going to die with that burn. Poor bastard.

And a post-makeover shot of both of them.

And the next day while the kids were at school, Maya and Heph run off to take a vacation. Man the kids are going to be so pissed when they get home and find the note on the door saying, "Your father and I left for Takemizu Village, we're sure you two are perfectly capable of taking care of yourselves. Love - Mom <3"

And through the magic of me playing this a long while ago, we are now at the hotel.

And lucky for my patience/sanity someone started practicing Tai-Chi.

Holy crap, first lot they go to and they find the Ninja! 8O


Oh, wait he's not gone folks.

Not escaping this time.


Maya: Anywhere you say? (Mental Image of teleporting into a Chocolate Factory or at least Chocolate Store)

Hey, doesn't everyone dream of that... or you were expecting something dirty?

I love their serious looks for some reason.

Because I had a picture of her doing this as a teen and one of her doing this as an adult. I had to have one with her doing this as an elder.

[Insert Old People Game Joke Here]

Time to make a wish.

Woo, Good Wish! =D

Useless. Good Wish. DX

Aww, look at these two.

Their love just as strong as it was, the day they met.

Their sex drive also seems to have survived the test of time.

Don't change you two.

Memories, memories.

I need no excuse for pictures of Maya! I just thought the shot looked pretty.

The next day, Heph finds the ninja. I'll let him chat him up, shouldn't neglect Heph just to get Maya's memories.


Heph: Yeah well... pirates are better! There I said it! >I

Uh Heph, you might want to take that back if you want to go home. >_>

Everytime I go to that hotspring place, it starts raining. I don't get it.

So plenty of lighting-broiled townies running around, plus a few actual sense.

Maya! I expected you of all people to have more sense than the townies! D8

So not much else to talk about (I left the map at home, again). Maya went on a couple of tours.

These two were all lovey-dovey.

Maya learned the local massage.

Heph didn't get a wish, good or bad.

But soon it was time to go.

Oooh, look at that homework pile, it's like a Rainbow of Fail!

Here Maya's memories. Just six more to go!

What the!? Midna not failing!? What is this tomfoolery!?

Oh wait, never mind, everything's back to normal.

Speaking of fail, having some bladder troubles Manny?

Sorry Manny, you may not be fearing it now, but I gotta make-up those times when you rolled impossible fears somehow.

Huh, would've thought locking the door would've worked (either that I locked the other bathroom and not this one). Good thing I caught him.

There we go.


LotP: *Nom!*

Midna: Ow, he bit me! Wait a sec, are wolf bites... supposed... to... glow?

Woo Werewolf!Midna! \^0^/

Better shot

And one of her terrorizing Manny.

It's a night Supernatural Firsts. First ghost, hi Tyler! =D

Why no, Midna totally didn't have a get struck by lightning fear. *Shifty eyes*

Tyler: Oooh! You shouldn't be doing that, it's dangerous!
Midna: AHHHHHH! Thanks Grandpa!

Dammit Tyler! DX


I don't know why the idea of werewolf eating salad amuses me so.

Aw she's not doing the trash bag goof. :(

6:00 AM already?

Midna: This is...

Yeah, yeah Manny's fault. I think maybe it's time to stop this joke before we shove it into the ground. :/

Maya: Oh Manny are you practicing your wand waving?

Maya: See you're doing it wrong, you have to wave it around like this...

Maya: Bawk-babawk!

Heph: Young man, how dare you use magic to make your mother act like a hen! Grounded without birthday cake!

Manny: But you weren't going to give me birthday cake anyway.

Heph: Grounded without presents!

Manny: But you never gave me presents.

Ah if any picture perfectly captures the essence of the Black Generation, it's this one.

So that's about it folks. Next generation is starting next update since I will admit I got bored and aged Midna up the same day as Manny's birthday. But I promise it won't happen again and I'll make Midna younger again at some point. So whose the heir? Well Awesomesauce Rules say that the Black Gen Heir is the "Black Sheep" of the family, meaning whichever kid has the lowest relationship with their folks.

Again you're going to have to wait til the next update. ;)

the awesimsauce challenge, the clancy family, pixel trade, generation 2

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