Apr 05, 2006 07:12
Yesterday was very busy. I pressed the snooze button and woke up 10 minutes later than I normally would. That sent me into a little bit of a rush to get out of the house by 5, but fortunately I set everything out the night before. I made it to work on time and had a pretty busy day here. P&Ls, Monthly Statements, cutomer inquiries, etc. I love being busy.
I left work at 2 to head out to rifle team. Captain actually showed up pretty early, which was a good thing since we were just about out of pellets. While he was out at the store we all sat down and had a chat. It's interesting to see what's on the minds of highschoolers these days. Oh, and I was invited to go to the competition Saturday as the assistant coach. I'll have to clear it with the director and see if I can skip out on an hour or two of practice.
I got out of practice around 5:30 and headed back to my house. Tins called about her birthday dinner, so I put off my trip to the gym so that I could celebrate with her and Jim. She really liked her present (2 sets of pajamas made by her favorite clothing brand), which is good because I've been worrying about it since I bought them. We had a great dinner and then went to Target, as stated in my earlier post.
Tinsley is one of those people who can spend 30 minutes in a dressing room trying on two tank tops. I, on the other hand, rarely try things on at the store. I buy it and if it doesn't fit, I take it back. Two reasons: 1. I love shopping, but I hate spending too much time in any one store; 2. If I try something on at home I can see how it matches the other clothes I have (color, fit, style, etc.). Jim and I were waiting outside the dressing room for about an hour. He looked like he wanted to claw his own eyeballs out. At one point Jim turned to me and asked, "If I called you one day and asked you to take her off my hands, would that be a problem?" "Of course not." "Really?" (This was said with glee.) Sometimes couples need to be apart. Tins doesn't always seem to understand this. And now that they're living with Todd and Theresa, it will only get worse.
After the trip to Target, I got home later than I'd intended (I'd been hyped to finally get back to the gym, but I guess that'll have to be today). I called Annie to find out about the Alkaline Trio concert and accidentally interrupted a brotherhood meeting. What the brothers were doing at 10 on a Tuesday I'm not sure, but there it was. I ended up talking to Darryl for awhile and I have to call both he and Annie back today.
I stayed up until about 1 reading over the national by-laws, Omicron by-laws, Omicron policies, and the meeting notes from January through April in order to prepare for this brother's grievance session Sunday. I think that we should change the name to Brother's Love-in. When Laura and I were in high school and we had any issues between us or any of our other friends, we'd invite all those involved to a Love-in. The Love-in was a sleepover in which we'd bring up any concerns or issues that had been bothering us and talk them out. It prevented things from growing into huge problems and it gave us time to bond with each other. Isn't that what this is all about? I'd like to think so. Plus, the name Love-in to me sounds much more positive than a grievance session. But that's just my two cents. Grievance Session it is.
Oh, so I was up reading the... well, everything last night and I fell asleep. This wouldn't really be a problem if I hadn't rolled over onto my pledge binder at some time during the night. I can tell you that sleeping on top of a three-ring binder is not comfortable, but apparently there was not enough discomfort to wake me up because that's where I was when the alarm went off this morning.
The plan for today? Leave work at 2, head to rifle team - leave around 5:30, go home, feed the dogs, go to the gym around 7, shower, head over to Denny's to tutor Tins in Spanish at 9, call Darryl and Annie, make some more notes for Sunday, read the script again (off book Act II Saturday), sleep. Should be fun. And sometime this week I've got to call Zack and explain the situation. I hope that goes all right. I'll also probably push Sports Night on him. Gotta spread the gospel.
I lost my video out/USB cable for my camera somewhere on the trip, I think, and ordered a new one yesterday. As soon as I receive it (probably Friday) I can download the pictures from this weekend. Then I can start my scrapbook. Good times.
One of my favorite lines from Never Gonna Fall in Love Again - NKOTB:
"How could you play me like a champ, a tramp, a cramp?
Girl, you did me worse than a food stamp."
New Kids on the Block, you are so funny.