"Won't you come and wash away the rain?"

Sep 21, 2006 12:18

Alrighty then. I figured that since I post pretty much all of my writing here, rather than on my personal LJ like I used to, maybe some friends over there might want to keep reading, but don't really care for the dolls, so I was going to try to set up a writing filter XD (that would also let some of you who could care less about the writing not be bothered with it ;D)

I know some of you use filters, can someone tell me if the following statement is true?

If person A is on Filter 1, they will see all public (unfiltered) entries AND entries in Filter 1.

If that's the case, it sounds like I'd have to have two filters for what I want to do, one for writing and at least one for dolls, so that people who don't wanna see dolls don't have to. Hmm, that kinda sucks. XO I don't REALLY want to start a new LJ or comm, but having to crosspost stuff, even links, is annoying..

Never mind my musing. XD And go check out this gorgeous Lati M by Bluebird! :D I can't wait to see more of these boys customized, he looks so different from the defaults! Hm.. he actually strikes me as a bit Iple-ish ^^

lj, auctions

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