Knitting funny

Feb 09, 2009 08:34

I've got the Yarn Harlot's page a day knitting calendar. I'm several days behind on pulling off the pages. February 3rd's wisdom amuses me: "Don't take it to heart if someone tells you that you knit funny. You probably do, but it doesn't matter. If what's coming off the needles is knitting, you're doing it right, no matter how you're doing it."

I sometimes "knit funny." See, I know that when I knit flat on two straight needles, I knit in the BACK of the stitch rather than the front of the stitch -- technically a no-no since it can make your work twist. Why am I doing it? Because otherwise my stockinette is weird when you stretch it; the stretched gaps are not uniform, the yarn pulls in a bad way. Why? No clue -- I might be purling funny! All I know is that my knitting comes out perfectly if I knit in the back of the stitch.

AND...on circulars, I can knit in the front of the stitch, as I'm supposed to, and my stockinette is still perfect when stretched, so I'm clueless as to why. Maybe this is why I prefer knitting in the round.

I finished all nine squares for the baby blanket I'm working on. I've sewn together the top three squares (yellow/light green/yellow) and the bottom three squares (light green/yellow/light green). I still have to weave in yarn ends on the middle three squares (dark green/elephant/dark green), and then I can sew everything together! Oh, and I have to go back and attach a floppy ear to the elephant, and embroider an eye. THEN I have to decide if I want to make an i-cord border for the blanket. I'm leaning towards a dark-brown i-cord border to match the tree that the elephant is standing behind, but I'm concerned about running out of time...the pregnancy is high-risk so the baby could come early, and is due in early March. Eeek. We'll see what I can accomplish. I'm ready to be done with that particular project -- it's so much work for something that I have to give away to someone who won't appreciate the work involved. ;) But I think I've posted that thought before, so I'll try not to ramble on about it.
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