(no subject)

Nov 07, 2008 12:48

Sad truth: I no longer enjoy updating my journal. I used to LIVE for it. I'd go through my day and as something would happen, I'd be thinking "I can't wait to tell my journal about this!" That doesn't happen now. In fact, it's the reverse. I think instead, "Well, I haven't updated in a while, I suppose I should think of something to talk about." So it apparently became a chore instead of a fun treat. I won't bother analyzing the whys or whens.

I don't think I'd ever want to delete the journal altogether, because it holds lots of nice memories and entries that I wouldn't want to lose. But I might soon become one of those users who disappears for months on end. We'll see.

Today's reason for posting:

Yesterday I was an enormous klutz from dawn till dark. I started the morning by spilling my Venti Nonfat Decaf Latte from Starbucks all over the inside of the elevator in my building. The cup was full, I hadn't even had a sip. The cup brushed against the door as I was entering the elevator, the lid flew off, and WHAM, next thing I knew my cup was empty. I was the only one in the elevator, thankfully, or else I'd probably have ruined someone's pants. I apologized profusely to the custodian, and she wouldn't even make eye contact with me as she cleaned up the mess. I felt very guilty. Not to mention the enormous waste of money.

I then went to a workshop that took up most of my day. They had a table set up with coffee. I got my cup, filled it up, and couldn't get the lever on the coffee dispenser to turn off, so coffee was going EVERYWHERE...all over the white tablecloth, all over the floor, etc. It was embarrassing. (Different building, thank goodness, so it was a different custodian. Apparently I was just spreading the love).

I capped off my evening with a long relaxing bath with a good book. Would've been fine except that as I was getting out of the tub, I dropped my book in the tub. I do hope that Sookie Stackhouse didn't get killed in the last couple chapters because her tale is now all stuck together and I couldn't finish reading. Since there are more books in the series, I'm sure she's okay. If it dries and the pages aren't too stuck together, I'll try to read the rest, otherwise I'm going to have to break down and buy a new one just for the last two chapters. I love Sookie Stackhouse.

Today, knock on wood, I've been a bit more coordinated. No large messes or spills. Yet.
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