Wednesday - not Monday - is the worst day of the week

Feb 10, 2010 16:22

Body: Stiff neck and right shoulder

Reading: I started If The Buddha Dated, which was recommended to me as full of good advice for existing relationships as well as beginning ones, and platonic relationships as well as romantic ones. We'll see. So far, it's a little new-agey for my taste.

Hearing: Celtic Roots Radio and Dan Carlin's show Common Sense

Etsy find: Winter Woods Skirt - A really cute black skirt

Project Follow-up: Jar gotten, and strawberry cordial started. Also, I found these playing card themed buttons from Dress It Up. They're exactly what I've been looking for for my Wicked Faire outfit. I bought two packages. Some will be jewelry, and others will be tacked randomly to the bodice. The dice and dollar signs will go into the button box and be used someday.

Tonight's Project: I need to get the stuff together for my next Swap-bot swap. This is a supply swap, so I just have to go through my stash and pick out things that fit the theme.

Randomness: Where do you get your news? I mostly get mine from audio sources. I listen to public radio on WAMC when I'm in the car and to bunches of current event news and commentary podcasts. I also glean news from what people are posting about in LJ, and occasionally go do research on something that seems especially interesting or relevant to my life.

lj: questions, lj: links: podcast, lj: links: amazon, general life: relationships, general life: state of the jenny, general life: health: joints: shoulders, projects: cordials, cons: wicked faire, general life: health: joints, projects: swaps, general life: health, lj: links: etsy, lj: links, projects: reading

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