IT Woes

Jan 22, 2009 00:14

I am taking a photograph - well, more than one - every day. This is fine. Only my computer has drawn to my attention that the hard drive is getting a bit too full to be putting these 7-8MB images on in great profusion ... it being a nearly-eight-year-old 30GB drive ... (Quite literally, there isn't space to add the most recent photos.)

Clearly, therefore, I need to replace it. Or, actually, since I can't be arsed with reinstalls and stuff, get a nice new big drive to have as a secondary one.

Off I beetle to ask people's advice on manufacturers and so on and thence to various suppliers to see what they can sell me. Dabs and Scan have served me well in the past; Ebuyer are recommended by some people; others have mentioned Amazon and Microdirect.

I search each of their websites for drives of appropriate fittings. I get a little spreadsheet listing supplier, manufacturer, size, price, and, by calculation, GB/£.

Lovely. Then I look at the results to see which will give me the most bang for my buck, as it were. Microdirect list a very nice-looking Samsung 400GB drive for &\#162;37.06. Splendid! Perfect! Out of stock, or possibly "call for availability". Indeed, this applies to the ... ten most suitable drives my research lead me to.

I have contacted Microdirect to ask about it. But it is more than frustrating, and I am aggravated.

The photos will return. Just as soon as I have sufficient space to put them onto a computer and edit the blooming things ...!

companies, computers

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