Dec 25, 2007 06:48
What a lovely Christmas it has been already. I hope I get to see or hear from my brothers today. Aparently my dad doesn't want to hear from me. Michael told me to stop the project. I tried to arrange a party here, with no luck, and lots of excuses. Michael keeps telling me I'm not a bad person and I've done all I can. I try to beleive him and believe in my own self-worth. Jesus loves me, right?
I woke up this morning and the first thing I thought of? My grandma June. I was thinking about how she used to play in the handbell choir at church. She was so cool. She really was a domestic goddess, intelligent, k-College gal, and she played the flute in the Mason orchestra. She was on prayer chains and took care of my grandpa for years. She really was a shining star. An angel in heaven now I hope.
Grandpa Wayne too. I woke up and wanted to call him. He is the only person that never doubted my choice in Michael. NEver. He always asked how Michael was doing and told me to give Michael his love when we parted. How could I have ever grown into a functioning adult without these wonderful quesdo parents to help me along?
So, I've got to get ready. When Michael gets home we are going to open gifts here and go to his parents' house for the day. They are so welcoming to me. Even after I dogged them out online last summer and got caught doing it they have forgiven me and treat me like it never happened.
I'm hoping for a lovely day for me, my husband, and all.
Peace be with you.