Sep 07, 2005 22:31
I think I'm going to Gulfport this weekend, not only to see a great aunt that I haven't seen since I was about 10, but to be one small part of the action. I need to see for myself, not through a tv screen.
Jane Fonda is a machine. The advanced workout will only be done every other day, with the easy one on the in between days.
Statistics class and psychometrics class are basically the same thing right now, and I know all of it already. I'm trying to be patient and to remember that there's something to learn from any circumstance, but I'm bored as hell. Give me something that creates new pathways in my brain. I need something to keep me busy.
Without a killer rehearsal schedule and loads of homework...I don't know what to do with my life.
Give me just one part of you to cling to, and keep me everywhere you are.
I think I'll go color now. Coloring books I have to choose from: kitties, whinnie the pooh, and jungle animals. Whinnie it is. Too bad Nicole and Jessica and SK aren't around. I miss them.