Jul 16, 2005 22:32
The light that never goes out is always there in the distance. Sometimes it comforts me, sometimes it taunts me, but day after day, night after night, it is there. It might guide me if I opened my eyes, but I choose to jump with my eyes closed. Attack first, ask questions later. I went outside tonight and looked towards that light...and a certain calm came over me. Eyes wide open. I felt no fear of where it was...or how long it may take me to get there.
Chris made me feel special this weekend. It was his weekend of fun...and yet he stayed in contact and made me feel like I was on his mind. He allowed me to Rebel Yell with him via cell phone while he was at the Billy Idol concert. On a weekend where I thought we would be totally disconnected, he made me feel more connected than ever. Pitter.
In other news...101 degrees at 11pm. WTF? "Excessive Heat Warning" Really weather man? You think? "Slow Down" Really? Because my body can just run around when I can't fucking breathe! ;) The sides of my mouth hurt...they are like cracking or something. No amount of carmex is enough. :(
Going to look at more condos tomorrow. Cross your fingers for me...I read that the company I work for will be starting a condo project (Charleston/Buffalo)...might inquire about that...would postpone buying, but if reasonable, might be a better option...we'll see.
Until next time...