Jul 01, 2009 19:23
I have been in a funk ever since I got back from my trip.
You know how right before I left I was all amazed that I was running around being all social most weekends and never once wanted to go home and hide under the covers? Well, it all caught up with me this month. It has been a huge effort just to drag myself out of bed most days, much less exercise, or make sure I have decent food to eat, or dear gods talk to people without the buffer of the internets. (or even sometimes with...yeah I owe several people emails back - sorry!) Although I did manage to read several novels, get through several seasons of Remington Steele, and pass several levels on Sonic Unleased.
Today, however, I got up. Ate breakfast. Did my laundry. Ran. Stopped by the store on the way to work. And still got to work on time!!!!!!! :)
Will wonders never cease.
I think I may even be up for visiting with my cousin this weekend. O.O
It helps very much that the last two mornings have been super sunshiny mornings. Goodbye June Gloom. (And good riddance!) Hello July, nice to see you!
(yeah, remind me of that in another week or two when I'm bitching about it being so hot that I can't even get to sleep)
go take a hike,