Soooo my Birthday celebrations started at noon with a trip to Perkins with Carol, Stef and Lynette. We went to the one in Chili in hopes they would have the salad bread bowl, but no dice. I think it's summer only :( I did get a really good piece of peanut butter pie though. Unfortunately it made me kind of ill for my psych class...
After Psych I had work 4-7. Then I went out to Bdubs with Carol, Jess, Brittany and Everett. I got a Strawberry Daiquiri, yum. They don't do anything special for birthdays, but my server made me a crown. It said "Nappy Birthday", heh. Ev and Jess had a field day with it at least. Afterward we went and bought lotto tickets; of course I lost. I have no luck. I'm currently watching Torchwood[Adam! It's almost embarrassing how much I can quote this episode] and working on my labs for Database. ick.
I got 3 cards in the mail today- my parents gave me $50, I got a card from Shelly, Tyson and Kaela, and I got a drawing from AJ. It's nothing more than scribbles, but it's appreciated XD; I also got my aero bed in the mail. Woo!
HAPPY NEWS: New Torchwood soundtrack will be out for COE. Love it. <3
NOT HAPPY NEWS: Things were pointing to a June 15 COE release, but if they're still looking at a UK/US/Australia same-day release we have to wait til July. UGHHHHHH. I hope they ditched that shit, I'm getting so tired of waiting. I'm crossing my fingers that the June 12th preview means they have!
PS: Hey NY Senate- pass the Gay Marriage Bill. Let's join the cool New England states, plz.