My weekend:
So Friday was the start of Spring Fest, which is a weekend with carnival rides, barbecues, a concert[50 Cent this year, eww] and so on. Ended up meeting up with everyone at the Carnival at 8:30ish. It was way more crowded than when we usually go, so I only ended up going on one ride :( We were still there for like an hour, too. I was planning on doing our Who-Torchwood night that night, but Jamie mixed up the dates. We're re-scheduled for this Friday. Then we ended up going back to Everett and Jess's for some drinking festivities. Though there was a bunch of people there I didn't know, so I wasn't really down with drinking myself. I ended up leaving before they started drinking. I left 2 bottles of booze in the freezer which are now all gone >__>; I'm getting $$ from them though, which is good because I'm POOR. Onto Saturday~
Woke up early to get my laundry done. Left around 11:30 with Jess Ellis to the YMCA camp arrowhead in Pittsford. It's really nice! There was a giant sandbox in the back, so we had to be 5 and dig a massive hole :P Ended up raining RIGHT before we wanted to do inductions of Chi class, so we ended up doing them inside. After that, Jamie, Lisa, JJ and I went on a mission to get sticks for smores. We may or may not have stopped for ice cream on the way :P When we got back it was time for dinner. Nitin is amazing when it comes to grilling, the burgers were sooooo good. Ended up burying Joel in the hole we made earlier.
I <3 Joel.
Why yes, that is a piece of cheese on his head.
Then we decided to do the alumni ceremony early, because it looked like it was about to pour. We set it all up outside, then ended up running inside because it started raining again! Evil. Doing it early allowed me to leave earlier than planned, so it all works out in the end. I'm sad I missed out on capture the flag in the dark though :( Drove back to campus, packed up a bag then drove to Syracuse.
Woke up at 9:30am for church at 11am. It wasn't too bad; I was able to mostly just follow along with everyone else since I can't remember what I'm supposed to be doing. I was really confused when they started off with a reading in Chinese. I also thought there would be more people there, because they just closed down a couple churches[including my old one] to consolidate into this one. They had a projector set up, so I thought they were being cool and technical and were going to project the priest up or something. Instead they showed a DVD for some charity. Toward the end they had a bunch of kids swaying and singing mechanically and I was waiting for a murder to pop out and start slashing people. /bad person. Then the priest went on about how we should all donate to this charity and I nearly choked when he said he wanted each family to donate $150. O__O It wasn't even really a suggestion, he was really pushing it, and went on about how important sacrifice is and kind of guilting people. It really made me WTF, especially given the current economic situation. BUT ANYWAY... survived that, then had yummy, yummy food. The after party was at the new Jamesville Firehouse, which I had NO CLUE they rebuilt at all. Sometimes I hate living far away and being out of the loop :( It's not as flashy as the new DeWitt one, but still nice.
Ended up leaving shortly after 3, which was an hour later than I planned. Oops. I missed the Photohouse eboard meeting, but I don't really care anymore. I soooo don't want to live there next year. I need to figure something out stat. x__x; Then I had Photohouse floor meeting, last of the year YAY. Brother business meeting was also the last of the year. Ended up going to Church for the 2nd time that day, but PSP's version of Church is much better :P
After dinner with Brothers, Tomer and I made an impromptu trip to coldstone icecream and to see Star Trek again. Just as good the second time around, and I'm planning to see it a 3rd time with T-BAGGG. :D Got back to the dorms at 1am, and remembered Chi class was painting the greek rock. So I went over there and hung out for about an hour and a half. Chi class is insane, I love them all.
Two hours, ehhhhhhh. I was planning on redeeming my free KFC for lunch tomorrow[I like to be classy on special occasions :P], but apparently my coupon is bad because I got it off Oprah's site and not the other website. I get a raincheck or something. WHATEVS KFC, we'll go somewhere else. I am also planning on going out to dinner with some peoples. However I do have to get some work done; I have to finish 2 labs for Database by 6pm Wednesday. I thought I had til Thursday, but Kennedy moved our practical to in-class. He did make it so we could bring our labs sheets into class at least[AKA we'll have exactly what we have to do for the practical right in front of us]. It's doable to get everything done if I finish the lab questions tonight, I think. Also have to study for my Psych test on Thursday. Stupid week 10.