I usually don't follow too closely with the Oscars, but whoo for Ratatouille winning :)
So I am a complete idiot, and I realized I signed up to work Wednesday 6-10. Meaning I can't watch Torchwood til 10! :( Luckily Kassie will be downloading it for me so I don't have to wait even longer. Also, I don't really care about this weeks episode, so I'm cool with waiting. Now if this were episode 10-13 I might have issue.
I saw
some pictures for episode 12, and I'm so excited. Learning how everyone joined the team will be lots of fun. The pictures show Jack being attacked by a Weevil, and Ianto fending him off with a large pipe XD Ever the bad-ass, Mister Jones. They shake hands, so a lot of people are speculating it's their first meeting. I'm going along with that thinking, but I also believe that Ianto was working for Torchwood One at the time. This is a great way for Ianto to get his foot in the door at Torchwood Three if Jack has already seen him in action. We obviously know Ianto transfered over after the battle of Canary Wharf. Another part that has me excited is Ianto in plain clothes! We've only seen this in Countrycide, and while Ianto looks amazing in a suit, he is pretty in normal clothes as well. It also should be noted this is most likely from the same scene we see in the first couple seconds of the trailer at the end of KKBB. :D
I am also excited becayse we got more info about the new book by Laurie Halse Anderson[
halseanderson], one of my favorite authors[for serious, read Speak, Twisted and Catalyst]. She has a new book coming out in the fall, called Chains :D
Yeah that's pretty much it. I feel so unmotivated to do my work :( Stupid finals week.
OHOH but to look forward to: Jess and I are going to Jays to get milkshakes tonight in honor of DDL. XD;