Mar 26, 2010 08:30
Seriously, I feel like walking around the house in a haz-mat suit.
Jude woke up on Wednesday morning at 2 am throwing up. We solved the problem by not giving him a bottle for awhile, he recovered quickly. By 11 am he was drinking little bits of water, by 3, diluted formula, yesterday morning he was back to regular formula and while his appetite isn't as ravenous as it has been known to be, he's doing great.
Aiden woke up at 1 am Thursday morning throwing up. And throwing up. And more. And more. 16 times between 1 am and 8:00 am. OMG, it was AWFUL. Dr. Sibley said to give him gatorade and crackers and whatnot, he drank probably 8-9 oz of gatorade throughout the day, and a banana for dinner and that's it. Poor little guy! Today he seems to be better--grabbed a pack of cookies that the girls use for their lunches and gobbled it down on the way to work, he's running around and having fun again. Jake has him up at the house and his fixing him eggs for breakfast, I guess we'll know how his tummy is after that!
Little Miss Allison Nichole woke up at 4:30 and threw up around 6 times. It's soooooooooooooooo much easier to have a sick older kid than a sick younger kid! She was back to normal by afternoon, ate really well, was jumping on the sofa and having a blast. Silly girl.
Kacy and Annah both had caught it and were throwing up by 6, but like Jude, they bounced back within a few hours.
There's GOT TO BE A WAY to stop the spreading of germs!!!
Dr. Sibley was like "Do you guys have enough rooms in your house to quarantine all of you to one room and have no interaction whatsoever?"
I was hoping he'd medicate their tummies, but he didn't. "Just has to run its course"
So we go back next week for ANOTHER recheck. We should just move in!!!!!!!
Pleeeeeeeeease let everyone be recovered so we can go to the park tomorrow (and pleeeeease don't let me or the husband catch this!)