Jan 21, 2003 20:00
ok. it took longer to drop a class than it did to get registered for this semester. Yay Moore efficency. Wait in line 15 minutes - oh that needs to be signed by so and so. do that and come back. wait for so and so to sign paper. go back wait a few more minutes and then FINALLY I can go to class.
Women and the Arts in Japan seems like it is going to be a promising class. The prof seems fairly interesting. We have to read all 1216 pages of The Tale of Genji for the class plus some other readings too. I have more trouble reading one long book than I do reading 5 or 6 shorter ones in the same time period amounting to the same amount of pages. Now I want to go to Japan.
I want my fucking car back. It took me an hour to get home when normally it would have taken me 20 minutes tops. grrr. I called the mechanic and they don't know any more than they did the last time that I talked to them. Well there goes another week without my car.