Dec 30, 2005 09:38
So I've been pretty busy and pretty lazy at the same time...Work is the busy part...Lazy is me because I never feel like updating this thing.
I can say my life is pretty good right now. Nothing too exciting is going, but its not that boring. You know?
Um, Christmas at my house was great. Let's do a recap of that. I woke up to my sister squeeking my door...I manage to fall asleep again, then she put my cat in my room. I was up in no time. So I stumble into the kitchen and wished everyone a merry Christmas. Then I grab my stocking and poured all the contents onto my lap. My sisters were on the floor doing the same. I slowly ripped apart my gifts from my stocking. I enjoyed the little gifts although the hair ties I got probably won't hold my hair or I'll evenutally break in the near by future.
After ripping those open, it was time for the large gifts. Yay. I sat in my chair still waking up while my sister was throwing gifts in my general direction. Here is what I got:
2 pairs of pjs.
1 t-shirt.
A pillow.
Another pillow, (it says The more people I meet the more I like my cat!).
^ I loved that gift.. :)
A comforter for my bed.
A knitted blanket for my bed.
A check for 25 dollars.
A gift card for 25 dollars.
The PussyCat dolls CD. (<3)
A glass touch lamp that has kitties on it!
And a hand me down Ipod.
So overall it wasn't that bad of a Christmas, but it wasn't all that exciting either. Getting the ipod from my dad was cool. I can use that now for my car. :-D It has 60gb worth of memory on it. So it can hold about 15,000 songs. I don't think I have that
Um work has been going alright. I still hate and I would love a new job, but right now I'd wait on it. Also they have been cutting my hours back. I hate it. Is it because my weekly average is 34 and they know that I'll get a lot of bonus hours? Not sure. Its too late to jepordize that anyways. I got 25.5 hours this week with out a fucking sunday...what kind of crap is that? I am really going to be able to pay for college that way.
Anyways onto another note...Matt and I are friends. I'll keep it that way. We just might be better off that way. I dunno, but I'm over it all. Although I don't expect us to best of friends. Just time for new things.
Speaking of new things...well really its not, but is at the same time. I don't know if I wrote about Alex a while back. I probably did. I met him back in March or something. We hanged out a few times and we were both interested in each other. Downside to it all? He lived in New York on the week days and came home to visit his mom on the weekends. So really we wouldn't see each other much. He needed a girl that could be with him more often then that and the fact that his job is pretty demanding. So I talked to him a few more times after that, but then we just stopped talking.
On Christmas he imed me on the computer wishing me to have a merry christmas. I was away when he did, but when I saw that message I was like holy shit...I pretty much erased him from my aim and phone because he never called me or talked to me...So after a few lines he mentioned he was single. Hmm I wonder why..ha ha. So he asked me what was up. I ended up telling him all about my summer and what I have been up to. He told me he missed me and that we should hang out this week.
So we hanged out last night. Although I think we could of done it tonight. I guess he just wanted to see me...So I got out at 10 and rushed home. He got to my house at 10:30. We watched Eurotrip and then The insider (can't remember if that was the title or not). I had fun, but we'll see if he'll want to hang out again. By the time he left the house it was 3:30.. :-\ My dad wasn't too happy about it. He told me this morning I couldn't do it again...Okay dad...
So yeah thats pretty much my life right there...WORK! Jooooooy. Um yeah I have no plans for new years and probably won't. Not like I really want to drink that much anyways. Okay...I am off to go to work.. :( Bye everyone.