Mmmm. I'm off to Singapore tomorrow to shop and do other unspeakable things with
groovy. :D She has a camera, we will post pictures and possibly videos.
Anyway, I have a drabble (approx. 400 words)!
Blasphemy by the Marauders
“She’s dating him,” James said, eyes wide and voice full of awe or horror, Remus couldn’t quite tell. “Lily Evans, the love of my life, is dating Gideon Prewett, who could not make it onto the Quidditch team. Is there no justice in the world? Does nobody have their priorities straight anymore?”
“Yes, it is surely a sign of the impending apocalypse,” Remus said dryly. “Soon rain of toads with fall upon us and a plague will sweep the kingdom.”
“Well,” Sirius paused. “I s’pose you’d better start hoping for a miracle, eh Jamesy?”
James sighed. “Fair enough.” He got down on his knees, clasped his hands together, and looked up at the ceiling as he said, beseechingly, “Dear Lord, I pray that Lily and that Prewett bloke break things up soon. Maybe they’ll have a big fight in the Great Hall over breakfast because he’s such an undeserving git and Lily should have better. And by better I mean me. Oh, no, no, forget that. Make it so that Lily realizes she’s desperately in love with me, cant live without me anymore, doesn’t know what she ever saw in Prewett, and have her declare it during breakfast in the Great Hall. Yes, that sounds good. God, I hope you really do exist, and if you do, make this happen. I will not hex Severus Snape for a month if you do.”
“James! You can hardly make a prayer like that!” Remus gave him a disapproving twitch of the mouth.
“Why not, mate? Its sincere enough. And I promised not to hex Snivellus for a month. A month, Moony.” He turned a quick glance to Peter. “Did you get that, mate? A month!”
“Yes, a month,” Peter breathed, scribbling madly. Remus tried to ignore the way Peter was bending the fine feathers of the quill.
“Well, besides the fact that you wouldn’t last a week, its certainly not - I don't know. Its definitely not religious enough, or -”
“Oh, I know!” Sirius interrupted. “You need to have lots of that old formal nonsense, like thee and thy and tho-thum. Get it? Thee, thy, tho, tum,” he snickered. “Or maybe you just need more ways to let God know you’re really talking to him. Like, ‘my God’ and ‘the big boss’ and stuff.”
Peter was still writing furiously. “Wait, wait, slow down…so that was, ‘my God’, ‘big boss’…”
“You’re going to hell,” Remus shook his head. “All of you.” He paused, and then, just for emphasis, pointed to each of them and repeated, “Hell.”