FIC: Full House, PG. (Doctor Who)

May 07, 2008 21:22

I am the biggest loser in the universe, because I have not been going to class for three days. Instead I have been obsessing over Gossip Girl, and writing Dan/Blair fic, which is ridiculous considering I ship Nate/Blair.

Anyway. Before I post that, I thought I would post this: het-crack-Doctor-Who-with-maybe-porny-under-and-over-tones. For loupcelte who asked so nicely. It was a while ago, but I've been busy! Plus according to LJ it is her birthday soon, thus this is good timing! She wanted Ten/Rose, and I give her that, along with a splash of Jack, who entered the fic halfway as I was writing it and demanded that I give him some attention. Not that I would ever mind giving Jack…attention. Rawr. Ahem. To the ficlet. Hope you like it!

“By the way,” Rose said in a confidential tone, “this is by far the most bizarre thing we’ve had to do to stay alive.”

“I think you’re right, “Jack agreed.

The Doctor made a dismissive sound. “Surely not! What about -”


“Yeah, that wasn’t too bad. Oh, there was that time -”

“Nope.” Jack shook his head.

“Okay, fair enough. What about with the -?” attempted the Doctor.

Rose shook her head as well, looking somewhat triumphant. “I’m telling you, this is the most bizarre. Maybe not the most dangerous, or crazy - but bizarre.”

“Oh, come on. I’m sure there has to have been an instance where we’ve done something weirder than - this,” the Doctor insisted, but he was starting to look hesitant.

Rose arched an eyebrow. “Name one. Oh wait, you couldn’t.”

Jack laughed.

“Excuse me. While your Earth-chat is entertaining, we demand that you return to your game.” A large, broad-shouldered sort of creature boomed at them.

“Sorry!” the Doctor said. “She started it.”

Rose smacked him in the arm. “Oi!”

“Well, you did,” he said, then rubbed his arm. “Ow!”

“The game, Earthlings.”

Jack aimed a lopsided grin at the creature. “I’m liking your take-charge attitude.”

It raised an eyebrow.

“Actually, technically, Earthlings and Time Lord,” Rose corrected.

The creature gazed flatly at her.

Jack grinned some more. “Oh yeah. Definitely liking your attitude.”

“Rose, don’t correct the Gamblord. Jack, STOP IT,” the Doctor said off-handedly. “Also, two pairs and an ace!” he announced cheerfully.

Rose gave them a smug look as she placed down her own cards. “Full house.”

Jack ignored them, leaving his cards and moving closer to the Gamblord.

The Doctor gave her an incredulous look. “Are you cheating? You must be cheating. There’s no way you could - seven times in a row!”

“Cheating is impossible,” the Gamblord intoned solemnly, but watched Jack. “Please proceed with the spoils.”

Rose grinned. “See? Maybe I just have a very good reason for winning,” she said suggestively.

“Thanks,” Jack grinned, as he pulled off his braces.

“I wasn’t talking about you, Jack,” Rose said loftily.

“Under ordinary circumstances, I’d be offended. But -” Jack cast an appraising glance at the Doctor. “I’m with you on this one.”

“Uh - well. That’s -” the Doctor broke off and coughed, blushing. Jack and Rose exchanged a look.

“Off with it, Doctor,” Rose said, grinning slyly. “Allons-y.”

“Right. Well. Allons-y, yes…” The Doctor muttered, and then unfastened his fly self-consciously. “You know, I’m sure that since it’s my jacket that you’re wearing, that counts as one item, and you should take it off.”

“Nope. We started the game when you weren’t wearing it, therefore it doesn’t count. Be thankful we let you count each sock and shoe as separate items,” Jack said mock-sternly. “Now, come on then, off with it!”

“Yes! Take it off, Doctor!”

“I’m sure Jackie wouldn’t approve of your behavior right now,” the Doctor told her.

She snorted. “Are you kidding? She’d have taken your trousers off herself by now!”

He shuddered.

“I like the sound of your mother,” Jack said to Rose. “We should meet.”

“Don’t make me hurt you.”

Jack grinned widely. “You promise?” And then, “Well, hello there, Doctor.”

Rose turned and a grin spread across her face, as she let out a wolf-whistle, then giggled. “Nice boxers,” she teased, and the Doctor’s face reddened.

“You,” he said pointedly to Rose, “are never going to pick the TARDIS’ destination ever again.”


Yes, I know its silly, but hey, my first Doctor Who fic(let) ever. Comments and crit, as always, appreciated!

fic, doctor who

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