May 09, 2009 21:14
First of all, asdfghjkl; BONES. That show is SO GOOD. The fourth season finale is coming up and it's already driving me crazy to wait 'til next Thursday. In somewhat similar news, Wolverine was good and I'll probably be going to see Star Trek sometime tomorrow.
Note: the following paragraph talks about WoW. If you don't care, skip to the one after it.
My guild raided the first bit of Ulduar tonight. We knocked out Flame Leviathan on our first try, Razorscale on our...fourth try?...and XT-002 Deconstructor on our third or fourth try. We tried for Ignis twice but decided he was too much trouble. It was fun, really. We were really only there to get a feel for it, but we managed to take out three whole bosses. I didn't get any loot, but it was fun anyway, largely because it wasn't another Naxx run. Those can get a wee bit tedious if done week after week. It should be noted that XT was simply hilarious. He's got a little kid voice and actually has an attack called "Tympanic Tantrum", and if he kills a member of the raid, he says "I...I think I broke it. I guess it doesn't bend that way." Pretty enjoyable, even if it was like fighting Gluth...but harder.
I ran over and signed my lease paperwork today. I still need to get them the cashiers checks and the proof of renter's insurance, but I'll do that on Wednesday and that way they can hand me the keys, too (I'm not allowed to move in 'til then anyway). Yeah, I'm doubling up a bit on the two apartments, but it won't kill me, and it gives me plenty of time to get everything moved.
Oh, and I finished the third Twelve Kingdoms book a few days ago. It was the story that the fourth (last) arc of the show was based on: the one with Enki and Shoryu. It was short, but very enjoyable, and it cleared up some of the confusion I was left with at the end of the show. I definitely recommend it to other fans. A guy at work let me borrow "State of Fear" by Michael Crichton, so I've been reading that since. Interesting, and I'm left wondering if he wrote it before or after his "environmentalism as religion" speech.
Hmmmmm, what else...oh yeah, I bought Pokemon Snap on my Wii and played that for a bit. Oh god, the nostalgia! It burns! XD And yet is ridiculously fun.
I think that about summarizes. Work was madness the last couple of weeks, but it should be relatively calm in time for me to go to Fanime, so hopefully I won't get back and get swamped immediately with panicked database requests/demands/threats/begging. :)
world of warcraft,
twelve kingdoms,