(in February, who knew?) 3 inches so far, with 3 more expected by the time it stops late tonight. I scattered birdseed on the ground this morning, but it's all covered (or eaten) already. I'll need to put out more when I go out to shovel.
Theoretically, I will be working at the MSBOA festival at the high school tomorrow, but that's subject to change. Depends on when the snow stops and if the county road commission thinks they'll have the back roads passable for buses by the morning.
FCB rehearsal on Monday was hard, if a bit short. The upcoming concert is a shared performance with a HS, so we don't have to fill an entire program by ourselves. DC is less than pleased with one of the pieces the other director picked for a joint performance -- it's one of J Curnow's less well written pieces, and much of it makes no sense. The band director sitting next to me claims that it's a 'show off' piece, rather than 'good music'. He says he looked at doing it once with his band, but never did. I think one of my kids played it -- probably EU, as her band was better at wringing music out of notes than DB's was. Drive home was only icky, not fraught, as it was still just rain. There was half an inch of snow on the ground Tuesday AM, but it melted by noon.
LCCB rehearsal was, oddly, *not* hard. Last rehearsal before the concert, and he just ran everything. I had a question about a rogue pp in Banner, as it's written in on my part, but no-one else did it. Apparently, DC added it in for the FCB - I copied the FCB part because LCCB didn't have a proper BSax part. The librarian tried to tell me that one didn't exist, and then I showed up with one at the next rehearsal. Drive home was beginning to be fraught -- not quite to 'hyperspeed'*, but snow falling, getting deeper the farther west I went, and the road was pretty much invisible under the even coating of fresh snow.
In grumbly news, J's doc wants him to eliminate dairy (mostly milk & ice cream - aged cheese is OK in moderation) and restrict his gluten intake for the next six-eight weeks and put him on Prilosec for the same time frame, to see if that will get the inflammation in his esophagus down. DB and I don't drink a lot of milk, but there's a nearly fresh gallon in the fridge -- I see a lot of cafe-au-lait in my future (not that I mind it, I just don't usually think about it when I'm making a hot drink in the AM). So now I have to figure out what to feed people besides chili/jambalaya/chicken&rice/enchiladas for the next two months. I don't think that gluten is a problem by itself (although it may exacerbate the other things going on). I *know* that dairy is a problem. [as is his annoying tendency to recline at a 35 degree angle (somebody on QI (because that's a reliable source for medical info, amirite?) cited a study that said that that was the 'best' angle for reducing back strain -- it may be (although I doubt it), but it can cause digestive problems.]
(* hyperspeed - when driving in a moderate-to-heavy snowfall at night, turn on the high beams. "Hyperspeed" effects ensue.)