Mar 26, 2005 09:08
Well, spring break was not as productive as I initially hoped it was going to be. My calc test is Monday night, and I still have about 50 problems to do. Yikes. Not to mention working 12-8 today, 11-7 tomorrow, and 11-6 on Monday.
My dad was live on CNN the other day. It was pretty cool because I hadn't seen him in about 3.5 months (he's on his 6-month deployment).
I was doing some math homework this morning, and I was rubbing my face in frustration at some of the problems when I noticed this pea-sized knot in the side of my neck (almost underneath my upper jaw). I went to my mom to see if maybe it was a pimple (it's hard for me to see the side of my neck/face in a mirror). She said it wasn't, and she noticed the lump, too. We're hoping that it's just an oddly enlarged lymph node. So, the trustworthy source of WebMD said to watch it for 1-2 weeks, and then go see a doctor. Given past experience, I already don't like how this is going. So, for those of yall who are prayin' folk, please pray that this turns out to be nothing, and goes away.
Time to go...breakfast with mom.