On to Day Two in Maui!!!

May 30, 2002 22:52

We got up around 6:30ish...still on Cali time. I guess we felt like it was 9. We kinda lazed around the condo, drinking coffee and doing crossword puzzles. around 8ish Maui time we suited up, grabbed our snorkles and headed to the beach. Oh so beautiful. We dove in, and swam out along this reef. I saw so many fish, and of course took pictures. We didn't stay long though...mom had an embarassing moment I promised I wouldn't talk about...so we left. We got back to the condo and called a dentist...for that thing I said I wouldn't talk about. And while she was in his office I went shopping. I found the cutest dress for myself, and a really awesome shirt for Jack. And a Radio Shack...I foun a Radio Shack...hehe...I just can't get away. I had to go in and say hi. For a mintue there I thought I was home. After mom was finished...um...at the dentist...we drove into Lahina for more shopping. Mom's mad because I got the coolest shirt for Jack, and now she thinks I'll upstage her for her boyfriend!!!! LOL...I'm highly amused. We found some beautiful jewlery for both ourselves and for others, and some cool stuff for the fam. But after only doing one side of the main street there, I was pretty burned out. We went and had drinks and appetizers in this cute little restaurant, with the rudest waitress ever. We couldn't even get her attention so we could pay our bill, and our drinks were nasty. But the appetizers were amazing, so it wasn't an entirely bad experiance. We came out just in time to get ice cream and watch the sun set. Beautiful day...but as I look around I notice my mom and I are the only non couples here...I'm begging to feel pathetically single again...

hawaii, vacation

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