Ben Folds and my Nipple

Sep 08, 2005 16:54

So, here we are, one week of classes painfully and effortly put away. And, I must say that it was superb. I'm meeting so many new and amazing people, all of whom I have the highest intentions of actually becoming friends with and not just facebook friends. We shall see though. So, just to let the world know:


On Tuesday I got in to see Ben Folds perform for free at the Apple store in SoHo. 120 People got in and Kyle, Leigh and I were of the 120. Not only that, but we were in the front row, literally ten feet away from Mr. Folds. As Kyle put it, "That was the longest orgasm of my life." Honestly, he finished his set and I needed a cigarette. It was so incredible and free and amazing and the perfect end to the first day of classes. He played a bunch of stuff from Silverman and Rockin' but he also took requests and played Boxing and Kate and he was just hilarious. He explained what inspired Zak and Sara and whatnot. He's just so incredibly brilliant that it's this insane adrenaline high to watch him live.


So, I have one class on Wednesdays and Thursdays: ASL II from 2-3:15. I leave my apartment with just enough time to hop on the subway and get to class. Well, as soon as I got to the subway I discovered that I didn't have my wallet on me. So I sprinted back to Cliff, and as I was running, I fell flat on my face on Fulton. Now, in order to fully conceptualize the moment, you must know that I was listening to my iPod and was deaf to the outside world and I was also wearing a tube top and no bra. So, there I am, sprawled face-down on Fulton street, flashing the financial district and deaf to the world with all the shit from my purse strewn about. Not to mention I got this huge gash on my arm. Basically I kept my eyes down in mortification and ran home. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! Why do things happen to me? Man oh man.

But now it is officially the weekend and I must find some mischief for the evening. Last night I got blazed and drunk for free. Twas awesome. :) I think I'm off to free burrito land, AKA Chipotle @ St. Marks.
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