
Apr 02, 2008 19:43

Today I felt smart in Maths for once. Yay for me. I have this giant urge to read, its rather odd. Over the Easter Break I started re-reading HP and I love it, Im on The Order of The Phoenix and Im really enjoying it again.
I had a nice chat with Mrs Mc Keown today, I love that woman like really, she is so nice. She was like "Im missing you in choir Jennifer", how cute is she.
Also Mrs Toal and I were taking the piss out of Leah today because she talks the greatest lot of crap, like really. Most of her sentences start with "Do you ever get the way..." or " Im going to be.."
Everyday she say's things like :

"Im dying"
"I am going to be a pilot, but I dont like planes or flying"
"I want be a Doctor but Im going to be like EWWWH and throw up on them when I see blood"
"Im going to have loads of Black Babies but I dont want to marry a Black guy they arent nice looking"
"Im going to go to Africa and bring loads of cans of food over in a giant suitcase and feed all the babby's"

Also Aoife burnt her Eyelid with straightners how funny is that? And I know a guy who sprained/broke his penis. HA.

I thought this was funny for an April Fool's but other's will just think it sad =D I'm away to read xxxx

Ex-Minister Fudge caught in Veela sex scandal

The Ministry of Magic released a statement today condemning the acts of ex-Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge. Mr. Fudge initially had a tracker placed on him after it was found he was moving massive amounts of galleons from a high-security vault in Gringotts to a private account in the Cayman Islands.

It has been discovered that Mr. Fudge used the money to pay for "special services" he received in both the Leaky Cauldron and the Three Broomsticks from a wild band of Veelas. While the representatives from Azkaban did not allow comment from the ex-politician, former aide to the Minister Percival Weasley had this to say:

Oh.... I thought he just liked getting out of the Ministry from time to time.

Fudge is best known for his stupidity in not believing in the return of Lord Voldemort.

harry potter, school

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