A site-specific performance through historic Green-Wood Cemetery's picturesque 478 acres of rolling green hils and its unparalleled collection of sculpture and monuments.
SATURDAY OCTOBER 7, 2006 at the historic GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY in Brooklyn New York.
(rain date Sunday, Ocotober 8th)
This unique event, directed and choreographed by Martha Bowers with Robert Martin, features original music composed by Guy Klucevsek and Bob Goldberg (played live by a band of accordionists) and a visual instalation designed by photographer Alex Heilner inside the Catacomnbs. Several tombs at the cemetery, including that of the Steinway family (Green-Wood's largest tomb) and the Catacombs, will be open to the public.
A featured event of the 4th annual opehnhousenewyork offering two tours, at 12 noon and 3:30 p.m. Meet at the cemetery's main gate, 25th Street and Fifth Avenue.
ADMISSION IS FREE. Call 718-788-7850 for reservations.
For more information about this event visit or For information about openhousenewyork, visit
To Green-Wood Cemetery: Via subway, take the R to the 25th Street station. For directions call 718-768-7300 or visit