So a few years ago, I stopped watching a lot of shows because of NaNo. I spent all of my time writing and got behind in episodes. Eventually I got so far behind our DVR deleted episodes I missed. At that point, I didn't want to pick up new episodes because I'd have no idea what was going on. But this led to another year of not watching and another. Needless to say, I'm really behind on some shows (some of them aren't even on the air any more).
The last couple months, I've been catching up on Castle and Bones. I was at the beginning of season 5 in Castle and season 8 in Bones.
[No spoilers past season 8 please, thank you.]I'm now on the second to the last episode of season 8 in Bones. And I'm ready to bash my head in. I loved this show for the first 7 season--I looked forward to watching it every week. Now I remember why it wasn't a big deal that I no longer had time. Every thing about Booth and Brennan irritates the crap out of me. I find myself skipping their very annoying scenes to get to the stuff about the Squints or at least some interaction with Sweets. Booth and Brennan alone makes me want to claw my eyes out. It's like their not even the same people sometimes.
For me, the show suddenly got too focused on Booth and Brennan's home life. The baby's cute and all, but I don't really care. So they have a kid... Angela and Hodgins have a kid and he's rarely even mentioned. Sometimes I wonder where he is because his parents sure aren't home with him. I'm tired of every episode having to mention Christine or relate to something have to do with being a parent. I thought the show was about solving murders?
Don't get me wrong--I'm a total shipper. I mostly watch shows for the UST. Bones has completely lost that for me (Castle manages to keep me interested despite Castle and Beckett being together). I'm wondering if I'll even finish watching the show once I'm done with season 8. My husband says it gets better. Honestly, I don't care.
Some things that grate on my nerves: *Brennan being out of character--it seems she bounces around between hyper-rational and I'm not even sure what to call the opposite. One episode she refuses to consider any other evidence except what her "gut" tells her. The fuq? Then like a few episodes later she won't even make a guess on a simple fact just to get the investigation going. And she gives a lecture about looking at all of the evidence. *headdesk*
*Booth being a jackass. I can't stand the way he treats Sweets. Can we have a little character growth. He has almost no respect for Sweets, but constantly wants his opinion or advice. Which he ignores half of the time. And when Sweets goes to him for friendly advice, Booth usually slams the door (literally) in his face. Talk about childish. Booth is a bully and a jerk. I wish Sweets grow a pair and say something about it instead letting Booth (and Brennan half the time) walk all over him--maybe that's another peeve to put on the list.
*Gimmick episodes. They were annoying back when I liked the show (ex. the Stewie Griffin episode), but now... I just skip the entire episode. They're so idiotic and obvious.
*You know what, Sweets deserves his own line. I love Sweets--he's one of my favorite characters (and, yes, I know what happens to him because my husband doesn't understand the concept of spoilers), but he is way too nice sometimes. Just about every scene he has with Booth, I want to smack them both. Sweets never stands up for himself. He's a brilliant profiler that is almost always right, but when it comes to personal stuff he's an idiot. That's good because not everyone has it all together (most of my therapists and shrinks have dealt with mental illness themselves). But for the love of god, find someone else to ask for advice besides Booth because it's obvious he doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself and Brennan. Ugh. Sweets has always been the little brother tagging along, trying to fit in, begging to be accepted. It's been how many years now? and Booth still treats him the same way. My headcanon ends the show mid-season 8 with Sweets leaving DC to get away from Booth's bullying. He's much happier and everyone hates Booth for being a jerk. The end. Okay, not quite because the rest is Booth begging Sweets to come back and Sweets finally telling him off.
*I don't like to watch people be embarrassed or humiliated, so I get tired of the situations the writers put the characters in just so we can laugh at their ineptitude or lack of understanding or their screw-ups. It's mean. I was just watching the episode with Dave Thomas doing a documentary, and everyone was making complete fools out of themselves. I couldn't help but groan and fast forward through most of it. Can people not act normal when there's a camera around? Do they all have to suddenly talk very slowly and awkwardly into the camera? They act like they've never seen one before. Especially Brennan, who not only talked into the camera constantly, but talked down the the anticipated viewers. Gag.
*The entire story line of Christine biting someone and Brennan becoming obsessed with disproving it. For crying out loud, she's a genius, and up until that point, was pretty level-headed as a parent. She understood child development and was constantly correcting Booth's misconceptions. And then suddenly she turns into a psycho. Hacking a preschool database? And Angela did it instead of telling Brennan she was nuts. Taking impressions of her toddler's teeth to compare to bite marks. Then not even believing the results right in front of her face. The arrogance suffocated me. And how many laws did she break? What the fuck is wrong with these people.
I think the show started to lose me at the beginning of season 7. Season 6 ends with a bang and huge surprise/plot twist. Then season 7 picks up with Booth and Brennan living together. As a fan and a shipper, I felt let down with not seeing how their relationship developed. I understand three months had passed (because of summer hiatus), and a lot of people in their situation would move in together, but I felt cheated. They went from secretly pining for each other to having a complete relationship between two episodes.
It might not have been so bad if they didn't treat the pregnancy like the second coming of Christ or something. At one point, I think I walked out on an episode because Booth was treating Brennan like an incompetent child that had to be bubble-wrapped or something just because she was pregnant. I've been pregnant five times--pregnancy is not a disease or a disability (not that I didn't enjoy milking lower expectations of physical labor towards the end). With my last pregnancy, I had four other children (then 9, 8, 7, and 3) to take care of along with packing for a cross-country move. It was just me, the kids, and my disabled father for months. I had to walk to and from a store every other day and carry groceries home because we had no working car. Pregnant women, barring actual medical issues, can handle life just fine, thank you. I get that Booth missed out on that stuff with Parker, but come on!
In conclusions: I used to like this show. Now it irritates me. I love the supporting cast (I love every squint and cried when they lost Vincent, even though I knew it was coming)--I could watch them all day. I hate Booth and Brennan. I should write Squint fic.