You Go Around Like You Know

Mar 12, 2010 14:13

So, I'm going to start writing in my travel blog again. I took an extended break for a while - writing it stopped being fun after Mom passed, so I decided to go sort my stuff out in private. A lot of that stuff has been sorted and I realized that I enjoyed writing about stuff I did, so here I am. Back in action. Starting with the awesomeness that was the Houston rodeo, which I attended last weekend. I'm going to put a few pictures in the entry, but the full scope of the awesomeness is here:

So, Candice and I got up super early to make the three hour drive to Houston on Sunday morning. We were both tired and a little crabby, but we forced a smile for our first road trip photo.

We went to Starbucks on our way out of town and for reals dealt with the dumbest, most incompetent barista ever on this earth. Put down the bong, SIR, and please focus on the fact that we would like muffins and coffee. SHEESH. Despite that small hiccup, we got on the road and drove happily along.

When we got to Reliant Stadium, there was a lot of hickish exclaiming over "DAMN, that place shore is real big!" and cursing over the expensive parking situation. We paid twenty bucks to park at a Shipley's donuts, which later turned out to be an excellent choice when we got out of there in a timely manner at the end of the night.

We finally got to the actual rodeo and betook ourselves to the wine garden for refueling with wine and a turkey leg, which is what I am gnawing on in that photo. Candice had never eaten one before and clearly had to be schooled. We ate the whole thing. After refueling, we went and met up with Valeah, Danielle, Hanna, Hanna's family, and Liz and her nieces. Candice and I procured a fried twinkie and a fried milky way at an amazing stand called Fried WHAT? It was fantastic. Rodeo food = bliss.

We all sat around eating fried WHATever and chit-chatting, then Candice and I took off to go ride the Ferris Wheel. Candice is terrified of heights and I am convinced that rodeo rides are death traps, so it was a little nervous, but we had fun.

That picture of Reliant was taken from the very top of the ferris wheel. IT WAS HUGE. Then we went inside, got ourselves some footlong hot dogs, took super inappropriate pictures with said hot dogs, then sat down for the rodeo. As usual, bull riding was awesome, as was barrel racing, but the best event ever was one called "Mutton Bustin'". It is an event where tiny grade schoolers must hang on to the back of an adult sheep and ride it as far as they can to win. HERE IS A PHOTO:


After the rodeo events ended, the show began. The Jonas Brothers were playing, and I must confess that I brought a book and was prepared to self-medicate with wine for this experience, but those kids put on a real good show! I was enjoying myself the whole time. Candice was there, she saw me clapping and looking pleased. The fun was so wholesome and clean, I forgot to drink! It was amazing. I did get some good snark in when the littlest Jonas removed his jacket to reveal his tiny gun show and all the tweens lost their minds, but other than that, for real. Enjoyed it. Here is a picture of the cool lighting effectes they had:

After the show, we booked it to our car and sped away, as both Candice and I had to work the next day. It was too bad we didn't get to spend more time with the other girls, but hey, that's life.

Tomorrow we're going on a day trip to Fredricksburg. I will be photodocumenting this.
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