You know what this is about!

Jun 21, 2006 09:52

So, let's just say severe post concert depression...oh my gosh, like I'm about to cry.  Not really but almost lol.  Back in BG, getting ready to go to hell...oh I mean work, gosh I'm sorry...  listening to the, it was amazing, well at least Rob Thomas was...

The first person Toby Lightman or something was ok, she sings that one song Maciena listens to "I used to have angels that used to watch over me..." Walk on i think it's called.

Then Jewel...and well she yodelled... and me and Rach were just like wtf?  But she played some of her old stuff which I liked.

Then finally Rob Thomas came on about 9:00.  I was in heaven!!  He even played some matchbox twenty 3 am and Bent, and You Won't Be Mine off of Mad's so beautiful.  The coolest thing, they did Smooth (w/out santana obviously) but it was so awesome.  It was just like the words and the melody line, it was wow...They did some songs I hadn't heard and they were awesome too.  We got up and danced a couple of times, This is How a Heart Breaks was the last one, and it was so much fun...but it was so sad, I was like NO it's not over, you're just taking another break....oh gosh!!!

Then there was the stupid girls who were like...I love you Rob...marry me...I"m like he's married!!!!!  But was dumb.

Rach  called 107.5 and asked them to play some Rob Thomas because neither of us had the damn CD...

I can't believe it's over already...but it was so amazing.  Except for the yodelling and the beer that was spilled and went all over my purse...yuck.

And now I must go get some food before work.  : (

Please think of me in this sad
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