sweaty palms, and me walking barefoot in December

Dec 14, 2006 02:08

I want to say that I liked the way his hand waited a little before falling off mine. Or the way I would turn around to find him looking at me. Even how my hair kind of smelled like his cologne on the drive home.
These are the things I want to say - hope to say - sometime. Maybe another day, maybe not for a couple of years. I think the problem is I can’t do anything about the way I feel. And man, is that frustrating lately.

It’s like shoes.
Your toes and the way the padding of your favorite pair forms to fit around them. Like gloves that you don’t even realize you are wearing.
Then you wear someone else’s shoes for a day and nothing feels right. Your feet slip off and your heel is confused at where to go.
I feel like I had a night in someone else’s shoes - trying to make my toes comfortable. Even though I knew if I wore them enough, or really any pair of shoes enough, they would start to fit the way my old ones did. And I knew they were very, very nice shoes. Probably pretty hard to find in regular retail stores, and definitely cute.
But did I want new shoes? Well, better, did I NEED new shoes? No. In fact, I would love it if it was hot enough outside to walk barefoot. And you know what - I might just do it anyway.

That’s right people, Jenny is walking around barefoot in December. No old shoes, no new shoes, and definitely no one else’s shoes. And she is doing it right through Christmas and New Year’s. The time when everyone loves their favorite pair of slippers.

But let’s take it back to those gloves, the ones that you forget you have on. Well, at one point you realize it. And I want you all to read my advice, because I know that it is true. And a true thing is hard to come by lately.

You will try to do something with those gloves on. You will try to do something like open a can of soda or tie your shoes. And, ladies and gentleman, you won’t be able to do it. You will struggle. You will put in a good fight. But at some point, you must study your hands and realize - I think I need to take off these God damn gloves.

Well, do it. It is hard for me to watch people try to tie their shoe with gloves on, or pick their nose with mittens for that matter. Although it would be hard for them to put their little hands back in the cold for a while - I hope they know that it makes their hands that much stronger. That one day they will look back and laugh at how they wore the mittens while trying to pick their nose. And then they will look down at their hands.

And whether they are in a new pair of gloves or not, they will know that they are able to survive with or without them.

This long, intensely drawn out metaphor is dedicated first to my brother - who recently threw away a pair of really slutty mittens, and second to my sister - whose independence and confidence allows her to brave the winter barefoot, just like me. I love them both so much.
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