The good news...

Sep 19, 2016 18:34 that our internet has returned. Let us hope that it will stay returned.

Otherwise, well, we are still pillaging our local libraries. Should write up what all I've been reading, in the vain hope of remembering the ones I like. And my left shoulder is partially frozen, per the specialist I was referred to - which means that I can't raise my left arm all the way, as in 'not even shoulder height, if my arm is out to the side.' X-rays prove that it's not a break or a dislocation, and I'd have felt it if it were a tear, so the diagnosis is basically medical-talk, as my doctor admitted, for Sometimes Bodies Are Just Strange Like That. So I got an injection and a prescription for physical therapy.

(I sorta wish my shoulder had been dislocated. At least that would've been an easy fix.)

Wife is home from an academic conference, with another one next month. Fortunately, even with a bum shoulder, I can take care of myself, for values of 'take care of myself' that mean 'play video games and keep the house clean enough that Wife does not despair of me.' Mariposa was ecstatic, because All The Thia Snuggles! Fluff snubbed me, in place of snubbing her actual mother. Wife is okay with this, because it means she doesn't have to spend half a day reassuring Fluff that she was Not Actually Abandoned.

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run in circles scream and shout

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