May 25, 2009 10:25
So, as usual, my crazy dreams are coming back now that summer has started. During the school year I never get a deep enough sleep to have really intense, vivid, complicated dreams. However, during the summer it goes into overtime. I had a really complex little dream sequence last night.
The first one was one where I was pregnant and about to have a baby. I remember being SO TERRIFIED throughout the entire dream, but I was faking being really excited because I didn't want to seem scared. I was with Sammi and Ryan at the time. My water broke and I was like, "Uh oh, guys... something just happened..." and I tried to convince myself that I had just had an accident and that no baby was coming, but Sammi was like, "OHMYGOD YOU'RE HAVING A BABY WE NEED TO GO!!!" And the car ride took forever for some reason. I remember sitting there and just rambling on and on nervously about how "Hmm... I didn't think it was time for this yet!... Hahaha... It is weird... So this is really happening... Wow! Hahaha..." We got to the hospital, and it really doesn't look like a hospital... the rooms were quite small and pained bright purple. They kind of just look like living rooms. I just get up in this chair thing with the stirrups and chill. At this point, I thought about how weird it was that I was having a baby right around the time Ashley had her baby and I was bummed that we didn't have them on the same day. Then, a doctor came in and announced brightly that "IT'S ALMOST TIME!" And at this point I was just scared out of my freaking mind about it hurting, or me/the baby dying, or me being a bad mother and I wanted to cry but I was just like, "Yaaaay..." It's funny, because as they were preparing me, I noticed that they didn't put me on any drugs, and I was just relieved because I didn't want needles in me. And I reasoned that "they just don't think it will hurt" so that is why they didn't put me on drugs. Hahaha. But then, after a lot of waiting and anxiety, the doctor was just like, "Oh, well it doesn't look like you'll be having a baby yet. Try again tomorrow morning." And I was relieved, by really scared of the impending morning.
Then, we cut into the future. I guess I didn't have the baby that morning because I was still pregnant. Even though I was still in college, Mr. Wike allowed me to participate in debate still. It was a summer-only program thing where old debaters could come back and do debate again. We were having a meeting about how UNK screwed the debate team budget so we didn't get to do the whole program like we wanted. However, we did have enough money to go to Nationals so we were going to do that. He said that he wanted me to go to Nationals as well as whoever ended up being my partner, and I just remember praying that it wouldn't be David (no idea why). I got really excited that Mr. Wike picked me, but that also got me really nervous, so during speed drills I REALLY SUCKED and I felt like crying because I had lost my speed reading abilities. :( I started to wonder if that is something that happened to a lot of pregnant debaters and started to look it up online.
Then cut to a scene where me and Alysha are studying for something on a couch. Apparently it was Alysha's birthday soon at this point. She was talking about all the things she was going to do for her birthday, and I don't remember what she said, but I distinctly remember the last thing she said was "And then I'll get some birthday sex." And then I was like, "You know what? I didn't get any birthday sex! That is totally not even fair!" And she was like, "Really? Well, I am." And then she giggled. And I pouted about my lack of birthday sex for quite some time before I said, "You know what? I don't even care..." And she just kept giggling at me. But I was very upset. So I proceeded to get really drunk off of this green stuff in a tall bottle. [I hope that didn't mess up the baby...] I just kept mumbling things about how I'd rather have sex than cake and laughing.
The end.