Julia & Rob Wedding!

Oct 11, 2011 23:28

Bleehhh. Last week I pulled both my calf muscles at the gym (still not sure how; never felt overstrained [I was only on the elliptical for 40 minutes and didn't even work my lower body on weights], ate enough and drank enough...) and couldn't walk for two days.

Thank goodness I felt better by Saturday, because that was Julia and Rob's wedding!
It was at Gallery 5, a really cool art place in Richmond. The ceremony itself was short and sweet; they both wrote vows, and both cried. I had some good prosecco. Dinner was full of veggies, and the cake was so good (I need that icing recipe - it was like a cross between buttercream and whipped cream. Maybe it was that simple? Anyway.). It was a cool space - first a fire house, then a jail I think, so there was a pole and a bunch of barred doors just randomly around.
Then the music started, and Sam and I danced our dorky butts off. I was surprised! I mean, I'd planned on dancing no matter what, thinking Sam wouldn't be much for that, but he offered first =D. For at least half an hour, we just danced! I thought I'd explode with happiness. All over again, the feeling, like in the beginning - a person who wants to spend time with me, what novelty! Someone who wants to be goofy with me, simply because it's fun, and because they love me, how wonderful! That moment lasted for about an hour, during which I don't think I stopped smiling once (I know because it hurt and I still couldn't stop). I'm getting warm fuzzies just thinking about my adorable, affectionate, unabashedly loving partner. I feel so lucky to have found someone so perfect for me, so perfect.
We took the party to a bar across the street where I had some of Sam's gin & tonic, and my first cosmo (I love cranberry juice).
I feel very comfortable around that group of people, which is something I never really felt before. It was almost serendipitous - there were like 5 separate conversations that were disclaimed by how awkward we/they are, and I guess that's the kind of people I get along best with because it felt very natural (awkwardly so, of course). I've always just felt too weird, or I guess too awkward, to be part of any significant group of people, but I felt very welcomed, and genuinely liked. Again, warm fuzzies.
Then we spent the entire long ride home talking about getting married. What we'd have to do to get there, the what and the where of the ceremony, our involvement, the look. I've finally found my motivation to actually get a full-time job (so we can move out and I can be his sugar-mama while he makes beautiful music [as he is doing right now, behind me]). More fuzzies.

Now, to get over this damned cold. We've been holed up in the family room, lying on the couch all day watching TV and surfing the web and being very cozy. I actually love it and in a perverse way I hope we get sick together more often.
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