Rehoboth/OC Vaycay

Sep 04, 2011 21:57

Vacation, Day 1 - Touring half of Rehoboth Ave: Beautiful Indian clothes, red velvet Smith Island cake, a seafoam dress from a hippie store (Sam and two women gasped when I walked out with it on; how could I resist that kind of ego-stroking?), rainbow LGBT stuff from Out Gear, fancy candies and liquorice, sunset beach stroll, fantastic dinner at Planet X Cafe (tandoori seitan, yum.) walk on the boardwalk, photo booth adorableness, skee-ball and Cruisin' USA and totally winning hundreds of tickets on a reflex game, Kohr Bros custard, chilling out in the nice hotel room.

Day 2 - "Breakfast" at Fractured Prune, sex shop exploration (Rehoboth is so queer friendly!), grilled avocado salad (must try that on my own), froyo and Thrasher's, kite-flying (first time since I can remember, and I'm good at it!), drive to Ocean City, Lost Galaxy mini-golf, OC boardwalk stroll, lots of skee-ball again, more photo booth, more racing games, watching the crazy gulls on the ocean drift downstream then fly back upstream and do it over and over again, driving half an hour toward Rehoboth and realizing we left our photos, then driving all the way back and finding them (my hero).

Day 3 - Brunch at Bayside Skillet (CREPES), Temple of the Dragons mini-golf, another sex shop (all Sam's idea, with my enthusiasm in tow), Rehoboth again, more photos, more skee-ball, replacing our Be-Fri/St-End necklaces, more beach, more liquorice, Grotto/crepe/Kohr Bros. Home.
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