(no subject)

Aug 31, 2011 02:14

Lately: Calmer, less quick to anger/annoyance, less anxious, more patient.

We went to Ren cleanup together last week, which felt invigorating and brought me right back. It was the bagpipes, and the homey smell of old wood.
Then spent the day exploring Annapolis. Went to the Harbor and ate at the Market House where we scored a free blueberry crumb bar just for being nice. We walked around a lot and bought silly souvenirs, indulged our senses at a spice shop where we got teas and vanilla powder (they had other powders, too - coconut, spinach, pumpkin, etc. I guess they're like extracts but they smell so good). As our parking meter expired, we left for downtown and drove around a little bit seeing what there was to see (searched for sea-salted caramels to no avail). Had some indecent fun searching for a park (also to no avail, but emphasis on the fun anyway. Semi out-of-doors. Also emphasis on indecent.). Ate dinner at Whole Foods, as usual, because we'd worked up an appetite being so kickassedly indecent (did I mention how that was incredibly fun?). Before we went home, we tried to go to Sandy Point, but it was pay-to-enter. When we got there, though, there were a dozen or so deer just out grazing and playing around, and we were content just to sit quietly and watch them, so close to our car.
Would love to go again.

Today was Lyle Lovett at Wolf Trap! My first time seeing both. Great show. He's such a weirdo, and it's awesome. My favorites were "North Dakota" and "She's Already Made Up Her Mind" - both made me tear up, the latter especially. The fun songs were silly. And Francine was so fun. His entire band is so incredibly talented, individually, in their own rights. It was weird to be seated during a big concert, but the structure and surroundings were stunning, and it was a memorable experience.

On a more somber and personal note, last night was an exception to my generally-calmer mood lately. For both of us. But when it was all over, we both remarked how we are actually thankful that we care enough to get really pissed off at each other, for so many reasons. For the basic reason that we care enough to show our ugliest sides, without hiding or censoring what we think and feel. And for the more complex reason that it makes me see, every time, how goddamn passionate we are for each other. We love awe-fully and we fight awe-fully. However angry and ugly we get, there is the flip side, all the rest of the time, of how incomprehensibly huge is the scope of our love. Even when I am broken, I know this and am so thankful.
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