a silly little meme to pass a boring Saturday night.

Jan 28, 2006 19:11

I've been tagged by simplydreamin for this little 7 thing meme.

Seven things that piss you off
  1. People who drive like they own the road. I guess no one told them that *I* own the road, and I insist on people being courteous and considerate.
  2. Cops who ignore all traffic rules. Turn signals, assholes! Cop cars DO come with them!
  3. Parents who let their kids get away with murder. May as well just show those kids their new rooms within the prison system.
  4. People who try to one-up your kid/life/work stories. This is not a competition!
  5. My own inability to finish what I start.
  6. Religious zealots. If I want to know about your god and how to save my soul, I'll ask. Don't force it on me.
  7. Feeling tired and achy all the time.
Seven things that make you go "mmm..."
  1. A good foot massage
  2. Food p0rn
  3. Real food, specially prepared just for me in a (semi-)gourmet style
  4. Chocolate
  5. Hot bath in the whirlpool tub with some lovely oils and candles
  6. Snuggly purring kitties.
  7. A combination of any of the above.
Seven people tagged to do this meme (since it's not especially difficult)
  1. tabbyfoo
  2. wildcelticrose
  3. wenlock
  4. mandymcbliss
  5. serrenau
  6. kittycat_black
  7. bertine
and anyone else that wants to do it.

seven things, meme

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