Mar 18, 2012 14:50
When school lets out every day, I and another woman are always the first parents there
waiting for the bell to ring
we don't know each other, polite nods of disinterest
I just know how much she loves her kids
and now she has one less
I'm pretty sure that when the bus bonked against the wall the first time, the right front wheel stopped functioning (metal wrapped around it? rubber fell off? axle bent?) so that the bus would forever swerve right. Will we ever know why it hit the first time?
One of K's classmates lost her big sister.
Another of K's classmates is working out ways to help his both-broken-legged brother get out to the garden in a wheelchair.
Another of K's classmates is just really happy his sister "only" has a broken jaw and two broken legs.
We can't put our kids in jars to keep em safe, more's the pity. Skiing is fun. Fun is good.
No matter how early you get there, sometimes there's no one to pick up.