Oct 22, 2006 13:09
Hm, so much has happened since I last posted here. I am obviously back in Chicago for school and the semester is actually half over now, which of course means that this weekend was my fall break, and I was home this time last year.. I'm obviously did not come home this year, I just enjoyed some extra free time around school and went to Kasey's last night for the night. I'm ok with that too, I miss all of you guys and love you so much and you know that, but Chicago really has become part home, especially Kasey's family and I just had a really nice weekend. It's just kind of funny to me that I'm already half home for Christmas, which is a nice feeling indeed.
It' s official now, my parent's are divorced. And I'm am honestly doing ok with it. Everything was just such a mess for so long, I finally feel like I can move on now. There's just a few more things that need to be taken care of but it will happen. Don't get me wrong, it still sucks but I have felt more peace than I have in a long time. I've been able to think about my life and and what I was and where I want to be, and being not at home while doing that has really helped, I have amazing friends here, both students and faculty who have helped me grow so much and just helped me to think all of this out, and it's nice.
One of my best friends has come back to Chicago, I missed him a lot. It's good to have him back.
I went to a concert on Monday, The Fray performed and it was AMAZING.
The group...you know who you are. We need to not suck at hanging out when I get home for Christmas like we did over the summer, Ok?
When I got to Kasey's both of her parents gave me a big hug when I walked through the door. Of the places that are on my list of home, this is definitely one of them. I love it so much.
This is a really scattered entry, but it's ok.
Love me.