So, I haven't been writing in all..for two months. Oops? I have a
xanga and I've been writing in it, that counts for something, right?
So, since last time....
I'm home for the summer...which is now almost over.
I'll be all moved-in to my dorm exactly a month from today, which is kinda scary in an exciting sort of way.
I have a tv cart, for my tv. It's cute, thus you should be jealous (Oh, and my room is big enough to have things in it...not like last year, even though I do adore Anderson).
I nanny for a family during the week and get paid next to nothing for the hours I put in.
I work at Sears Portrait Studio any other time, I get paid pretty well and will be making a dollar more than I am already once I finish my testing. Woo.
Said Sears job is transferable, so I will hopefully be employed at school too. Double woo.
Manda I can't wait!! Our room is going to be super fun :D
All of you North Park People are going to come visit me and I will cook dinner for you on Sundays, Kate this includes you and Meg =).
All in all this summer has been pretty good, I've been working a hella lot though so I have near to no social life, which is le suck but it happens. We've (Kara and I) also been making a comforter for Kara's bed at Emmanuel, be expecting pictures when it's finished because it is wicked cute and I like to show off when I can, so deal.
See in sooner then two months perhaps..ha.