Wow! It's been a long while!

May 29, 2018 09:07

If anyone out there is still following me at all...well, RL has thrown me a LOT of curve balls lately. I've had multiple surgeries these past few years as well as discovering I had genetically inherited renal disease.

BUT, the good news is things are starting to get better. I changed jobs a few years back and am still in the academic world but now working in administration. Whether I'll want to continue in this direction, who knows? But I'm getting older (YIKES!) and really want to try and de-clutter my life (it is amazing how much stuff one accumulates over the years!!) and find more stability as well as maybe finally working on finding someone to share my life with....although that might be tougher since I don't seem to be doing much socializing...oops...

Ah well, that's RL.
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