Dec 11, 2005 00:43
im so scared about daniel getting with other chicks. I know that he likes me still, i know that he is just scared of being to close to a chick, and i think that is why he dumped me. I can tell he cares for me, i know he does, the way we have been when we are together, i know he does. He is exactly like samantha from SATC when she meets the hot guy (totally 4got his name cuz im tipsy and took xanax) but how she had to cheat on him cuz she couldnt take commitment, but then realised she liked him and all that, u guys should kow what im talking about if u watch the show, but yea, thats what i think it is with me and him, hes just too scared to get too close to me. Im gonna get him back, i will, i know it. I need him, he got me off the xanax and ive not been that happy in so long. Now i am drunk (i had some of my dads makers mark and some vodka) and i took 4 xanax. this entry is taking me so long to write cuz i hahve to try to make ti make sense. We need each other, we helped each other out so much, and we bettered ourselves thru each other. We need each other. I know he likes me, i just know it, its just the fact that he doesnt know it, or wont admit it. i dont know. I have to get him abck though. i ned him. he is in teh city now which is weird cz he hates the city. i hop e he si wtih boys from cricket n not chiks or il b e cut. the xanax just kicked in a lot jsut hen. evertying is la di dda ad i cant see much eaither. I dotnt want ot dslep but i think i have to cuz i mites ;pass out ors omething and i catn realt see wat i am typng hthis wil probas;y not make sense to em in the morning but it dos now so uea. i miss danilel so muhc, i want sesx so abd. sleept rimes byes byes