Happy New Year, Reading recs

Jan 03, 2010 10:53

Happy New Year!
I finished reading Mania by Craig Larsen over the holiday. I'd post a pic of the cover but can't seem to get that to work so I'll throw up a link a the bottom.
I really can't believe it took me that long to read. I used to read a book this size every couple of days. But that was before fanfic. Now I probably do ninety-percent of my reading online.
I don't know if its the social part of it or what that makes reading online so different. The instant gratification to be able to say to someone how much you enjoyed the story? You don't get that with a paperback, unless you stalk the authors webpage. Although I have told my family over and over how much I enjoyed this book and I get the, "Oh that's good" back. Not really the same. LOL

I did enjoy the book. I had been reading a romance and I just couldn't get into it. So I ditched it for later.

About the book...
Nick the main character and his brother Sam are out for supper they get attacked and Sam dies. Now this is the first chapter so I am not killing the story. Nick blacks out, wakes up quite a ways from the scene, doesn't really remember what happened, and from there on the story works it's way back and forth between the murder, events from their childhood, weeks leading up to the murder, and eventually the night itself.
At times you have a hard time liking Nick. The story jumps around a bit leaving you as foggy as he is. Which at first threw me but then really ended up working very well to keep you in the same mindset as Nick.
Nick has a bit of hero/jealousy worship for his brother Sam and as the story unfolds you start to realise Sam isn't always the great guy he seems. But then neither is Nick. I don't want to go into details there too much because the relationship between Nick and Sam is somewhat confusing but as the story unfolds it works itself out and starts to make all kinds of sense.
The plot itself is fairly predictable or at least it was to me but I also had a very hard time putting this book down which says quite a bit when you kinda think you know what's going to happen but are still reading to find out what happens. LOL. There was still a little surprise for me that I didn't expect though.

I do have to laugh at the irony of the dedication. The book was dedicated to his brother. LOL


Online reading.. I have read alot. Here's a couple that are worth checking out.

Nyx6 You know I am really more a hurtSam girl but her stories are just fun. She also writes very well. Great fight scenes, quick humoured and pretty good little mysteries to boot. Well worth the read.


I'm still working my way through this one, I have three chapters left but I can tell you that it's worth the read. Pretty sure she has a lj just have to find it.

The Road to Detroit is Paved with Hell sandymg

Really nicely done, involved story. The boys are not on very good ground with each other at the beginning of this and at one point things get rather bleak between them but they work their way back to being brothers again with a bit more of an understanding of each other. Not to mention that it's just a nicely plotted out story with some nice little smart twists and really I just love smart stories that make you think a bit. I still have three chapters to go and I can't see it all falling apart and turning to crap at this point so i am rec'ing before I finish it. LOLOL Plus I've read some of her other stories so I know that she is pretty good with picking up the loose ends.

Ugh I'm sorry I tried to put this behind a cut because its so lengthy but that's the one thing I can't seem to do.

fanfiction, reading, sn, books, rec, ramblings

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