Everything is a Remix

Oct 01, 2012 21:35

I'm taking a Digital Literacies course this semester, and one of my readings is "Remix Literacies and Fan Compositions" by Kyle D. Stedman.  I just got to a section where he's talking about his methodologies and heads into a discussion of SurveyFail 2009, in which some researchers made major ethical breaches (not to mention the poorly designed study) in what they did and did not disclose about their survey on fandom sexual fantasies.

I remember S!F 2009 vividly, and I started thinking about how right after that happened, there was this other "fan survey" that came from someone inside the community, and everyone was talking about how this study was conducted vs. the S!F study, and I checked it out and ended up responding to the survey....

I'm pretty sure I'm reading the results of that study right now?  So much deja vu.
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