101 in 1001

Apr 28, 2013 12:00

So I'm starting a little project called "101 in 1001." I feel like I've become a bit complacent since leaving grad school, and I'm pretty sure this program is going to kick my ass over the next couple years. The basic premise is to achieve 101 goals in 1001 days. More information here. I'm going to try and post once a week on Sundays to update on my progress for the week.

August 1, 2010-April 28, 2013

1. Digitize all of my old photos
2. Go to five museums I’ve never been to Thanks, NYC! (Heard, AZ Science Center, Morgan Library, Met, MOMA)
3. Play the piano 30 minutes a day for a month
4. Really learn how to use iTunes
5. Sing in front of at least 100 people
6. Star Trek Movie Marathon Day
7. Star Wars Movie Marathon Day
8. Write a novel of at least 300 pages

9. Get a raise
10. Make 10 pairs of earrings and attempt to sell them on Etsy
11. Make a major change in career

12. Get into a Ph.D. program
13. Learn how to decorate cakes
14. Take a conversational French class
15. Take a wine class

16. Get a $2000 savings pad built up
17. Get a 401K and put $100 a month in it
18. Pay off my credit cards
19. Start a house savings fund of $100/month to fund home repairs/renovations

20. 30 Days of Yoga challenge
21. Avoid fast food for a month
22. Buy a new bike
23. Complete a century ride
24. Do 100 sit-ups in a row
25. Do the 100 pushup challenge
26. Drink only water for one week
27. Find a consistent gym buddy
28. Find a loose tea that I really like
29. Get 5 sessions with a personal trainer at the gym
30. Get the new WiiFit game and play for one hour a day for a month
31. Go rock-climbing in Sedona
32. Hike once a week for 2 months
33. Lose [PRIVATE] lbs.
34. Make a goal collage for SP
35. Run a 10K
36. Run a 5K in under 30 minutes
37. Take a mental health day
38. Talk to a doctor about my depression Dec 2011, finally.

39. Buy a lawnmower (We were gifted it, but I'm counting it!)
40. Buy a new sectional
41. Buy a new TV for the living room
42. Buy a new TV stand
43. Cook 25 new recipes (20/25)
44. Create and stick to a household budget with Ryan
45. Digitize our family tree
46. Get a Costco membership
47. Get a dog
48. Get our family pictures blown up and framed for display
49. Go to [PRIVATE]
50. Have a housewarming party
51. Host a family holiday at our house
52. Make a garden
53. Make a recipe book for our house
54. Make ice cream from scratch
55. Make the Super Epic Rainbow Cake
56. Paint 4 rooms in our house (3/4)
57. Plant trees in the backyard
58. Replace the shutter
59. Spring clean our house
60. Write my will

Love My City
61. Buy a lotto ticket
62. Find a bar that I really like
63. Make friends in Phoenix Work friends, yes, but friends :)
64. Picnic on South Mountain with Ryan
65. Shop at the Farmer’s Market once a month for 6 months
66. Visit 10 new restaurants (6/10)
67. Visit 3 different Farmer’s Markets

68. Be an excellent mentor
69. Do something awesome to show Ryan I love him once a week
70. Go shooting with the Paulins and Stevo
71. Have a dinner party

72. Go camping once a month for 3 months
73. Road trip to Texas to visit Lisa
74. Spend a weekend in Vegas with Ryan
75. Spend a weekend in wine country
76. Take a cruise to Alaska
77. Travel out of the country with Ryan
78. Visit Washington D.C. with Ryan
79. Visit Yellowstone
80. Visit Yosemite

81. Buy a fabulous pair of shoes
82. Buy a fantastic dress from the Bettie Page store
83. Buy a nice curling iron
84. Buy a nice hairdryer
85. Buy a pair of designer sunglasses
86. Buy something from Etsy
87. Get a facial
88. Get a massage
89. Get a pedicure once a month for a year
90. Get a spray-tan
91. Get a tattoo
92. Get adult braces
93. Get into MENSA
94. Get purple streaks in my hair
95. Make a jewelry storage solution
97. Wash my face every night before bed for a month
98. Whiten my teeth

99. Donate a book scholarship to a Las Artes student
100. Raise $1000 for charity
101. Volunteer once a month for a year Mentored once a week for 18 months. :)

101 in 1001

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