Stolen From wbm Who Jacked It From dragon_spirit

Jun 18, 2003 10:01

1. What's on your bedside table?
- Alarm Clock, Lotion, Bottled Water, Music Box
2. What is the geekiest part of your music collection?
- Lord Of The Rings Soundtrack
3. What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?
- Cheese
4. What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?
- Terms Of Endearment
5. If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?
- Reduce The Boobage
6. Do you have a completely irrational fear?
- Fire... I can't light a match!
7. What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moments?
- I perform felatio on my index finger.
8. Do you ever have to beg?
- Never.
9. Are you a pyromaniac?
- See #6.
10. Do you have too many love interests?
- No, but *YOU* love me...
11. Do you know anyone famous?
- Eh.. If you wanna call them that.
12. Describe your bed.
- I'm ashamed to admit there are Star Wars pillowcases on there... NOT MINE!
13. Spontaneous or plan?
- I like to know what's going on BEFOREHAND.
14. Who should play you in a movie about your life?
- Julie Strain
15. Do you know how to play poker?
- Yes, and you'd be naked.
16. What do you carry with you at all times?
- Advil, Lipgloss.
17. How do you drive?
- Defensively..Get out of my way asshole!
18. What do you miss most about being little?
- My biggest decision was in what color crayon to use.
19. Are you happy with your given name?
- Not Jennifer, but Jenn is better.
20. How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?
- $1
21. What color is your bedroom?
- They're all present.
22. What was the last song you were listening to?
- "Remedy" - COLD
23. Have you ever been in a play?
- 3rd Grade.. I was Mrs. Clause. SHUT THE FUCK UP!
24. Who are your best friends?
- Aaron, Stef, Celeste, John, Joe, Diane
25. Have you ever been in love?
- Right Now.
26. Do you talk a lot?
- Depends on the situation.. I can...
27. Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?
- Eh.. next question.
28. Have you ever done any illegal drugs?
- Actually, no.
29. Do you think you're cute?
- Dogs are cute.
30. Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you?
- Only when they tug on my ankles...
31. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?
- Only to the people who deserve that side of me.
32. Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends?
- Used to be myself... now with Aaron.
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