Title: And All That Could Have Been
jengouFandom: Deathnote
Pairings: Mello/Matt
Genre: Angst. I promised I wouldn’t. Self-hatin’ as penance!
Rating: PG-13? IDK. Two boys nekkid in a tub.
Warnings: Spoilers for manga ch99, anime eps35.
Word Count: 1,343
Disclaimer: The boys own ME. I own nothing.
Summary: NOT AS PLANNED XD I mean. There’s only
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Comments 124
"Dude, I was bored. I needed something to pass the time. And I could look down girls’ cleavages while I cut their hair." Just LOL! ♥ ♥
Good good stuff!
Mello's bday... T_______T
Thanks again for comment~
Didn't Matt die a week before his birthday or something also? o.O
And yr welcome hun! <33
OHSHI- lolololol I totally messed up their birthdays. Faaaaaail~ thanks for the heads up! Edited ♥
I adored this, even if it did make me cry like a three year old.
Thank you for such a heartfelt comment though - this was a sort of outlet for my reaction to eps 35 (I am still devastated), and I was so worried about the characterisation. Thanks again!
ZOMG, and so awesome!!!
I LOVE this! I love especially, that you made Matt straight *lol*
98% of all m/m-writers, make them both homo XD~
This friendship-thingy is pretty awesome, the way they act together... wow, so sex without sex, you know? XD~
And I felt I had to write Matt as straight~ because he so clearly is in canon but fanon Matt is so flamingly gay, it's hilarous XD I'm glad you liked.
Hee hee, I also wrote a short Near/Mello crack fic recently :->
Well, I can imagine both, straight and queer. By Mello and by Matt. Hm, when I think about it... I guess they're both bisexual *lol*
Uah, that's so hot, imagine: Mello wants sex, but Matt doesn't, so Mello takes a hot girl and they go into his room - and then Matt becomes jealous *_*
(Uh, may I link this fic on my homepage? It's still under construction, but there will be also a corner with fanfic-recommendations and I'd like to add this ^^)
PS: I just installed msn X__x
(I have trillian, but I didn't know, that trillian also includes msn >_<' stupid me!)
The fact that he comments on Misa's cuteness twice can mean 1) Matt might be straight, 2) Matt's trying to convince himself/Mello that he's straight and 3) Matt's totally Mellosexual and wants to get Mello jealous :DDD I like all of these scenarios~ just this fic explores the first one ;D Ooooh, your fic idea fits into scenario 3! Get writing!
Oooh, I'd be flattered if you link this on your website, thank you :)
Woohoo! gimme your MSN :D mine's i_smoke_curtains [@] hotmail.com just in case ^^
Well, except Near -- but the only reason he's not homosexual or heterosexual or bisexual is because he's nonsexual.
Out of curiousity, which one is your favourite character? Mello or Matt?
In general, Deathnote characters seem pretty nonsexual/asexual. I think Ohba said DN was not a human drama story and hence steered clear of it, but still. Matt though, is quite straight in canon~ Mello I cannot vouch for *stares at midriffs and feathery jackets* XD But I have a total weak spot or Mello's relationship with Hal.
WARGH, I cannot choose! Instinctively, I'd say Matt. But I wonder if I like him because of what he brings out in Mello, and Mello is just kick ass. Oh, I cannot choose ;_;
I was just curious since you can usually tell who the author favours by how they write the character in question. I totally would have pinned your favourite down as Matt, but you did an equally good job with Mello so I was at a stand-still. :d
I wish I could write Mello. I can't. I lack something that is required to nail his personality, but that's just as well: my favourite thing to focus on is Near and the SPK.
I couldn't write Mello in the beginning either, but just have him swear a lot! It helps to get into the flow of his thinking I think XD Oh oh, if you have written fics about Hal I'll read!!!!
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