customer disservice

May 23, 2007 23:25

Sometimes I feel kind of sorry for bus drivers. They get a lot of stick and have to basically sit there and take it. Once, this thug got on without a ticket and when the driver wouldn't drive him anywhere without paying the man started screaming at him, saying he hoped he died. Crazy. But that said, bus drivers do my head in. They drive past my stop, they don't wait when I'm clearly running, and today they conned me out of money! Instead of a pound coin, I was given a 20cent (euro) coin, which I didn't notice til I'd gone upstairs. Not wanting to be a nuisance on a rush hour bus full of schoolkids, I waited til I was getting off the bus to point this out to the driver, expecting him to apologise and exchange the coin. Instead I got told I was lying and he refused to change the coin. No apology, not even a "I see your point but this is our policy" just blank-faced rudeness. So I complained to the bus company, and what do I get?

I am sorry to hear that you have had a problem with your change.
Unfortunately the same rules apply as in a shop in that change should be
checked at the time of the transaction with the driver. The driver was
right and that is our policy on change.

Which makes me really fucking angry. I know it's a really petty thing, and it's only a pound, but this is not the same as not counting my change. This wasn't even legal tender. And really it's the principle of it and the fact that I explained the problem to this guy politely and he was so rude to me, it put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day. This is like Morissons and their magnificent exploding microwave all over again. If it didn't mean a really long walk to work I would boycott First buses. As it is I can try to use the shitty coin to short-change them back again (although sadly I bet it doesn't work, no doubt they're very careful about what money they TAKE from people). I really resent that a company can be so powerful and yet have such appalling customer service.
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