Sep 23, 2004 22:48
im sick. again. i cant stop coughing. i cant breathe. my chest hurts. boo.
so my first quiz of graduate school: 100%! woohoo bitches! im rocking out with my cock out! (wait, what????) haha.
so since my computer is a rather large gigantic piece of crap, i am going shopping for a laptop tomorrow with moms. THANK THE LORD. i mean..."your server is unstable"?? wtf is that. i hate this shit. SERIOUSLY.
i think im finally out of that funk i was in. thank goodness. i hate feeling like that. thanks to my peeps who put up with me...and with a smile :)
well its back to reading 342963492639847 pages so i can party down cape giradeau style this weekend...with WAGONS of beer. woohoo. PAR-TAY! peace out.