My graphics card is dying. First this was evident when I started seeing
"spikes" in TS3 way back in April. However, there were no issues with TS2 at that point, so I just decided TS3 wasn't meant to be mine.
But yesterday, when I loaded up Florence Delarosa's lot, I noticed the textures on her clothing were blurred, as if the "texture detail" settings were set to low. (Kind of like they were in the
Desjardine Family Legacy. )
This is an indication of an overheated graphics card. Which I now realize is a common problem for HP Pavillion dv6000 laptops - many of them overheat.
My problem is, the only indications I've had of my computer overheating have been in the game, with little things like that. I spent a few hours on the phone with HP tech support this afternoon, and I updated some drivers, but textures are still blurring. I would like to take the laptop into Staples to see if they can do anything, because the warranty is up in a month, but if nothing major has been happening (no BSOD, no random shut downs), they might not want to talk to me.