Fic: Untouchable

Feb 07, 2011 18:23

Title: Untouchable
Prompt: coming untouched
Summary: James and Sirius have a challenge, and Remus gives Sirius a taste of his own medicine.
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2870
Notes: Originally written anonymously for the R/S Kink Meme. Much thanks to ceredwensirius for hosting and anon for the prompt!

Remus struggled to catch his breath while surreptitiously casting finite incantatem on his bed curtains. Just when he thought the coast was clear to slip out, he heard them.

“We could put it here,” suggested Peter. Sirius’s snort of derision was unmistakable.

“What would be the point of that, Wormtail? The whole idea is for people to SEE the bloody thing.”

James cut in, “I think we should stick with the original plan, Padfoot.”

Remus sighed. Clearly the others had abandoned their game of exploding snap in the common room. No doubt to better refine this year’s Halloween prank in the privacy of the dormitory. He was inclined to agree with James that the prank was as well-conceived as it was going to get. But if Remus was being honest with himself, siding with James may have had more to do with the inconvenience of their presence at the given moment than anything related to pranking. He tried to slip inconspicuously to the bathroom, but had only made it a step when Sirius’s amused drawl reached him

“Good wank there Moony?” The teasing in his voice was kind, but annoyed Remus nonetheless. He tried to quell his blush as he turned around, plausible deniability drawn on his face.

“Don’t even try to deny it,” James chimed in, chuckling, “We all know what it means when the bed curtains are charmed shut and silenced. No shame in that. Besides, we haven’t forgotten it’s the full tonight.”

Remus hated that he’d ever had to explain full moon days to the others. But there really was no way around it. Sharing a dorm with teenage boys, much less his best friends, didn’t lend itself well to secrets. It really wasn’t TOO bad most of the time. In his mind, if they could get over the once-a-month-slavering-hairy-monster part, the increased libido part should’ve been the least of it. Well, in theory. The reality was that having to face his mates after wanking for the fifth time that day (and knowing that they all knew it, or at least guessed) was more than a little embarrassing.  The first time that the wolf’s “needs” had come up, a couple of months ago, answering their questions had been nothing short of excruciating. He’d been leaving the infirmary with the others after a particularly brutal full moon recovery when Madam Pomfrey had chased him down and pressed a jar of lubricating potion into his hands. Her admonition that “taking care of yourself is always the most important thing, Remus,” was given in a tone that brooked no argument. His mates, always damnably interested in any matter that might help keep Remus safe, wouldn’t let him alone until he’d been forced to explain, his face scarlet, what she meant.

“So…you’re like, in heat on full moon days?” Sirius’s bluntness made Remus want to box his ears. But he also desperately wanted him to understand.

Remus flushed uncomfortably. “Yeah, I guess that’s a good way to describe it. The wolf…wants that. Needs the release. And…if I don’t keep the wolf calm and relaxed, the fulls are worse.”

“So…you’re just, like, hard the whole day? Can you…go…multiple times in a row, like a bird?” Peter’s voice was awed. Remus wanted to sink through the floor. This was rapidly becoming even more awkward, if that was possible. He nodded, failing to notice the death glare Sirius was shooting in Peter’s direction.

James cut in with a laugh and a wink, “Mate, if there’s anything that makes the fulls better, why even think about it? Besides, what self-respecting bloke wouldn’t wank with that kind of frequency if he could?” Remus thought for a moment about telling James that it wasn’t nearly as fun as it sounded. In fact, he dreaded full moon days. Walking around all day with an unflaggable cockstand wasn’t his idea of a good time. He was sick to death of wearing loose clothing, hiding behind carried books, and having to spend ten minutes or more in the loo just trying to coax his traitorous body to take a piss. And the relief provided by his self-ministrations was becoming shorter and less effective as the months wore on. But he decided against confessing as much, and managed a weak smile at James’s assessment.


With a start, Remus was dragged back to the present, and realized that a response of some sort was in order.

“Sod off, Potter. You wank just as much, and you don’t have the excuse of lycanthropy.” Remus’s voice was a little more hostile than he’d intended. Luckily Peter’s giggle lightened the mood.

“Too right,” laughed James, unperturbed by Remus’s tone. “Maybe someday I’ll convince Evans to help me out and give my poor hand a break”

“It’ll be your todger that breaks first, mate.” Sirius couldn’t resist. “That thing takes more abuse than the button on Sluggy’s trousers.” He ducked as a pillow sailed past his head. “Seriously, you’ll never manage to hold out for Evans. I bet you couldn’t make it three days without tossing one off.”

“Could so,” retorted James. “I’ve got more control than that. You’d be even worse if you weren’t always sneaking around and getting sucked off by that Ravenclaw bird of yours. Which one is it, anyway?” Remus managed to wipe his face of expression just in time. The “shy Ravenclaw girlfriend” was the newest in a line of increasingly desperate excuses they had come up with to explain Sirius’s waning reputation as Hogwarts’ resident lothario. James and Peter hadn’t yet noticed that Sirius’s “dates” happened to fall on full moon days, but Remus knew it wouldn’t take much longer for them to cotton on.

When Sirius had first approached Remus and proposed an “arrangement” to help Remus take care of his “er…full moon problem,” Remus had thought it was part of an elaborate joke designed to coerce him into admitting that he’d secretly fancied his best mate for years. But there had been something honest and desperate in Sirius’s eyes. And something warm blossomed in Remus’s chest at the realization that Sirius wanted this as much as he did, even if the need wasn’t quite the same. Remus reasoned that if Sirius needed the excuse of “helping prepare for fulls” in order to give in to his own desires, it was easier for Remus to play along rather than call him out. Not to mention that the relief provided by Sirius’s sexual attentions was far more effective at calming the wolf’s desires than anything he could do for himself. However, what had started as an “arrangement” of convenience and necessity was quickly blossoming into something more. And he and Sirius were running out of plausible excuses and places to be alone together. Particularly when, as now, the Maurauders were caught up in the planning of an elaborate prank.

Remus’s conscious was again dragged to the present, reminded of the fact that he’d been on his own all day today (and, bugger it all, his traitorous cock was already beginning to harden again). He knew from Sirius’s wicked grin that Sirius could tell as much without being told. Sirius took gleeful pleasure in Remus’s lack of control on full moon days, teasing him immercifully, and reveling when it took only his light touches to send the younger boy over the edge. While he wasn’t about to complain, Remus sometimes felt Sirius could use a taste of his own medicine. As the thought occurred to him, a wicked grin spread across his face.

“You know, Sirius, Prongs is right. If you were on your own, I bet you’d give in before he would.”

Peter grinned. “I think I sense a bet coming on.” As usual, Peter misinterpreted the glare Sirius shot in Remus’s direction. James, as Remus expected, jumped at the opportunity to beat his best friend at something.

“It’s on, Padfoot. First person to wank or give in to having one off with anybody else buys a round of butterbeer next Hogsmeade weekend. You won’t make it a day.” Remus snickered inwardly at James’s phrasing, which saved Remus from having to close any loopholes.

“You’re on, y’plonker. You haven’t got a prayer.” Sirius, like James, couldn’t resist a challenge.

Peter innocently remarked that this might be a good time to test the new charms they’d learned from Professor Flitwick, and Remus’s responding grin was as unmistakable as Sirius’s glower. Before James and Sirius fully realized what they’d gotten themselves into, a wager was signed onto paper charmed to reveal the losing party.


Several weeks later, Remus couldn’t help laughing at the wild success of his plan. Both James and Sirius were more on edge than he’d ever seen them, each determined not to lose. The first few days hadn’t been so bad, while Remus had been recovering from the full. But once he was up and able, Remus had made it his personal mission to torture Sirius into losing the bet, which had been going on longer than any of them honestly expected. Whenever James and Peter weren’t likely to notice, he’d trail his fingers along Sirius’s body, eliciting a telltale twitch. In Potions, Remus made a point of squeezing behind Sirius in the storage cupboard, and grinding his hips against Sirius’s arse while reaching for the jar of shrivelfigs. He smothered a grin at Sirius’s clenched jaw.

Later that night, while James and Peter were on a kitchen run, Sirius confronted him.

“I know what you’re trying to do, you know. It won’t work.”

Remus’s face was the picture of innocence. “I’m not sure what you mean. If you’re referring to the bet, that’s between you and James.” Sirius narrowed his eyes. “Really, I’m not up for sorting out your pride battles just now, Padfoot, my shoulders are killing me.”

Sirius’s expression immediately morphed to one of concern. “Where does it hurt, Moony? Do you want to lie down?” Remus nodded gratefully and sank down to lie next to Sirius on his bed. Without being asked, Sirius began to knead the muscles of Remus’s shoulders. Remus’s appreciative moan was almost more than he could bear.

“Ohhhh… Padfoot…that feels amazing.” Remus wriggled out of his shirt, and closer to Sirius, who swallowed hard, but didn’t stop, his arm twisted at an awkward angle to reach Remus’s back. “Sit on my arse, you’ll have a better angle” Remus suggested, his voice muffled in the bedclothes. Sirius’s hand withdrew, and he frowned.

“You’re doing this on purpose.”

Remus turned his head to the side. “Doing what?... Is this making you hard, Sirius?” he teased with a purr.

Sirius crossed his arms, and put on his infamously arrogant mask. “Not going to work, Moony.”

“Oh, I forgot, you have the infamous Black composure…. Let’s just test that control then, shall we?” Remus’s face was devilish, and his voice as seductive as he could manage. “I won’t touch you. But it won’t matter.” Sirius snorted in disbelief while Remus sat back up and stretched, his taut abdominal muscles inches from Sirius’s determined glare. Sirius couldn’t help it when his eyes followed the trail of sparse golden brown hair to the top of Remus’s trousers. Remus smiled in spite of himself, his cock already beginning to stiffen. “Want to see where it leads, Padfoot?”

“I’m familiar, Moony.”

“Ok, then…you won’t mind if I undo these. They’re getting awfully tight.” Remus’s hand strayed to his trousers and began to undo the flies. Sirius’s eyes were riveted as Remus’s hard length sprung free. “I’ve got a little problem I need to take care of…full’s coming up and all.” He bit back the thought that it wasn’t the only thing coming up, if Sirius’s tented trousers were any indication. Remus brought his hand down and curled it lightly around his cock, stroking up and down the full length and sighing in languorous pleasure. After a moment or two, he looked pointedly at Sirius’s groin. Sirius remained mute, refusing to rise to the bait. Remus raised his eyebrows. “You think you can hold out, hm?...Well… I, for one, am uncomfortable for you.” With that, Remus reached out to undo Sirius’s flies, careful not to touch his skin. Exposed to the cool air of the dormitory, Sirius’s cock twitched, swollen and throbbing.

Sirius’s voice was dangerously low, arms still crossed. “Not sure what you’re playing at here, Moony, but James and Peter are going to be back anytime.”

Remus smiled, “you always seem to enjoy how quickly I’m able to get off before the fulls, so that shouldn’t be a problem.” Remus quickened the pace of his stroking, scooting forward so that he was hovering over Sirius’s exposed groin. A bead of precome glistened wetly on the tip of his cock, precariously close to dripping onto Sirius’s stomach, which was clenched with effort. Remus stopped to rub it over the head, moaning wantonly as he did so. Beads of sweat popped out on Sirius’s forehead.

Remus pushed his corduroys down to pool around his knees, and brought his other hand around to cup his bollocks, gently kneading them with his fingers. Sirius determinedly refused to close his eyes, barely blinking. His face remained a resolute mask. Remus licked his lips and leaned even further forward, the tip of his cock centimeters from Sirius’s. Sirius’s cock twitched visibly, and Remus could see the muscles in Sirius’s groin tensing, involuntarily willing Sirius’s erection to rise up and touch his own. Remus leaned out and grabbed for Sirius’s wand, which had been carelessly left on the nightstand, using it to summon his jar of lube from the other side of the room. Tossing the wand out of reach, Remus scooped two fingers into the jar, and without missing a beat reached around to massage his hole. Grunting and moaning in pleasure, he slipped his fingers in and out of the tight ring of muscle, while the other hand sped up the stroking. Sirius, below him, was shaking, his pupils blown wide with lust. Sirius’s balls were tight and contracted, and Remus knew it wouldn’t take much more. Remus scooted back a bit, and leaned his head forward until it was level with Sirius’s black thatch and turgid cock. He flicked his tongue out, almost, but not quite, making contact with Sirius’s skin. The huff of warm Moony breath hitting Sirius’s cock was too much after so many days of forced celibacy.

“Oh god,” Sirius rasped, “m’gonna come! M’gonna come!” A moan ripped out of his throat as the orgasm burst, fingers clenching helplessly into the blankets. Spurts of come shot nearly to his chin and soaked through his T-shirt.

With eyes squeezed shut and the waves of his involuntary orgasm roaring through his ears, Sirius didn’t hear the clamber of footsteps on the dormitory stairs until it was too late. Remus jumped up and turned his back to the door, pretending to be changing his shirt. Before Sirius had a chance to regain his senses, James stopped short and stared. Sirius yanked his flies closed, but there was no disguising the damp patches across his trousers and shirt or the redness on his cheeks and neck.

James crowed victory, laughing that he KNEW Sirius wouldn’t be able to keep from wanking for this long. Peter glanced sideways at Remus. They were comfortable with each other, but wanking openly in each other’s presence wasn’t something he’d known them to do before.

Before thinking the words through, Sirius barked out, “I didn’t!” James, who hadn’t stopped laughing, stumbled over to his bedside drawer to pull out the enchanted parchment.

“You didn’t, huh??? Your, uh, appearance says you’re full of shit. We’ll just see about that.” James was silenced, however, by the fact that the parchment was still blank. “But…”

Peter, who had silently confirmed a suspicion he’d had for some time, remarked nonchalantly, “well, the parchment’s only charmed to show whose bits get…touched…first.”

James, who had finally caught up with the situation, stopped laughing and smiled in a way that was somehow both understanding and exultant. “Moony, this has you written all over it. And I don’t just mean the spunk all over Padfoot.”

Remus spluttered, unsure of what to say at this unexpected turn of events, or James’s casual tone.

“If you thought you two were being sly, think again. We’re not as oblivious as you think.” James turned back toward the door, motioning Peter to follow. “Not sure how you managed…this…without touching,” he continued, gesturing vaguely to Sirius’s debauched condition, “but well done, mate. I think that invalidates the terms of the bet.” With that, he strode out. Peter, at his heels, smothered a grin.

Sirius, his mouth still open in shock, thought momentarily about yelling after Prongs that the bet was still on, but thought better of it. He slowly turned to look at Remus, who was breathing heavily and frozen in surprise, with a still-obvious erection.

“Sod the fucking bet…Moony, get your scrawny arse over here and let me take care of that before we go downstairs and kick the shit out of James.”

A slow smile spread across Remus’s face.

“But don’t think you’re going to forget this, you bloody tosser. Just wait till the next full.”


harry potter, fics, r/s

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